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  if you're reading this then hii. I have been wanting to publish a book for a while now but I was too scared that no one would like it, so I never did. but if you're reading this then it means that i got the courage to finally do it!!

okay now I just want to talk about a few things. First of all: I don't mind if people use little things from my book like some names or a quote or something. BUT this book is still mine. i'm not sure if any other author has made a book like this before so if they have then please let me know.

Second: I would love to hear some feedback from people as I publish chapters, but that doesn't mean cursing me out if I do something that u didn't like. I will try to read any comments or messages that you guys send and try to add a few things that you might think will make the book more entertaining.

I also want to say that there might be violent scenes and bad language and stuff like that in this book, so if that is something that dont like/can't handle then I suggest that you stop reading this book.

Hope u guys enjoy!!

 I'm gonna be making a TT for this book and maybe even future books, so look out for that. 

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