Chapter 2

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By the time i hear the lock click and the door being pushed open, i am completely cried out and dont even turn to see who it is.

"If you don't mind, we need to get going princess" Matteo's voice is tired and bored. I roll over on the bed and face him. His coat is off and his tie has been untied and it hands unevenly  around his neck. His hair is messy and his eyes have dark bags resting under them.

He sees my face and curses under his breath. "Get up and go wash your face." When I make no move to get up, he moves closer to me, authority dripping off of him.

By the time he is only a few steps away from me, I'm sitting up with the fear of what he would do to me if he reached me. "Don't make me repeat myself," he warned.

"God what are you, my mom?" I whispered under my breath as I stood up, but I was sure he heard me, because as I was walking past him, I noticed his eyebrows raised in surprise. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet, letting the water run for a few seconds before making a cup shape with my hands and collecting some water, and splashing it on my face.

I dried my hand and face and stared into the mirror at myself. I looked like a huge mess. I pulled my hair out of the messy ponytail it was in and brushed with my fingers, then began braiding it.

As I twisted the final strands and tied it off, I heard Matteo's annoyed voice from outside. "Any day now kid!"

"I'm coming"I called back as I did a finch check of myself.

"I'm not getting any younger!" God, he was so annoying. I stepped out of the bathroom and he looked me up and down. "You did your hair too. Perfect" he sighed

"At least I look like a human now '' I rolled my eyes lightly.

"Lets just go" he moved to the door and pulled it open, taking long strides out into the hallway. I quickly followed after him, not wanting to be left behind and get lost.

As we walked down the long halls, I admired all the art around the house. There were paintings and vases all around the walls and on small podiums. It was beautiful.

We approached a large set of black doors, and I heard voices arguing on the other side. He pulled the door open to a large table with people sitting all around there arguing. I noticed scarlet and milo sitting closer to the head of the table, frustration and tension filled the room.

"Go sit over there." Matteo ordered me. I walked over to the empty chair next to milo. He smiled softly at me as I sat down.

"A deals a deal so, you say when we leave." there was almost pain in his voice as he said it.

I waited for him to say more, but he never did. "You're kidding right? I have no idea what time it is, what day it is, or even how long I've been here." he sighed frustratedly and pulled a phone out of his pocket, dropping it on the table in front of me. I recognized the phone immediately because of the wallpaper.

"You had my phone this whole time?" I questioned.

"Relax, it was in my back pocket the whole time. I never opened it." he rolled his eyes. I grabbed the phone and picked it up, unlocking it.

"How long have I been here?" I looked up at him.

He thought for a moment before answering, "A couple days. When my men knocked you out they gave you a pretty strong dose so you were out for a good day or two"

"Holy shit" my eyes widened. My family was probably so worried. I opened my messages and looked through the ones from my mom.

11:42 pm:Dani, where are you? Its past your curfew

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