Chapter 3

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After dinner, me, Matteo, Scarlet, Milo, and Mason all walked back upstairs together, and they led me back to the room that they had locked me in earlier.

"My room is the one across from you and masons is right next to mine. In case you need anything" Milo smiled. I opened my mouth to respond but matteo cut me off,

"She'll be fine" I looked down at my hands, avoiding his dark glare.

"Thanks" was all I managed to say to him before rushing into the room and shutting the door behind me. I stood there for a moment, trying to pull myself together.

Suddenly, I heard the lock click, and I whipped around. "Did you just lock the door?" I cried.

"Did you really think that I would leave the door unlocked and let you roam free on your own?" there was pure evil in his voice.

"Please! I won't go anywhere, I swear!" i bangged my fists against the door.

"Go to sleep, daniella. I'll come get you in the morning" I heard his footsteps walking away. I stood helplessly at the door, begging myself not to cry. It was no use. I was locked in the room all night, and I couldn't do anything about it.

I moved towards the small balcony and pulled the door open, and stepped outside the small space. The fresh air felt nice, and calmed down my nerves a bit. I looked down at the garden, and before any ideas could spark in my mind, I noticed guards lined along the walls, and walking all around the garden.

Instead, I just relaxed and breathed in the fresh air. I shut my eyes and rested my elbows on the wide marble railing of the balcony.

After a few moments, I pulled myself up to sit on the railing, and let my legs dangle over the edge. After a few minutes of silence, I heard a loud sound at the door, and then it burst open.

Matteo and Mason came rushing into the room, searching frantically, most likely for me. When Mason spotted me on the balcony, he practically sprinted over.

"What the hell are you doing!" Matteo rushed up from behind him.

"I was relaxing before you two came in here like there's a tornado outside"

"My guards outside told me that it looked like you were trying to jump down from the balcony and escape." Matteo looked tired of me, and It seemed as though he wanted to push me off the balcony and let me fall to my death.

"I was just trying to get some fresh air and relax." I shrugged.

"God just get down from there please" Matteo pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a frustrated sigh. I hopped down from the railing of the balcony and pushed past them into the room. 

"Try and get some sleep. Matteo's probably going to give you hell tomorrow." Mason smiled, as he walked out of the room, leaving me and Matteo alone. I hated being alone with him. It was like being trapped in a room with a bunch of starving lions.

"Are there any more surprises or can I finally go to bed?" It was only then that I noticed what he was wearing-a pair of basketball shorts, and a black tank top. It wasn't hard to admit that he was fucking hot. Like hotter-than-Chris-Hemsworth hot.

"Uh, no. You can go to sleep. But can you not lock the door?" He looked at me and sighed.

"You know I can't do that kid." he shook his head. I flopped down onto the bad and slid under the thick covers.

"Aren't you going to change? Their clothes in the closet" he gestured towards a large balck closet, but I ignored it.

"Whatever. Just go. You can finally go to bed now." I pulled the covers tightly around my body and layed down, facing the large windows of the balcony that were now closed.

He sucked in a breath like he was going to say something, but seemed to decide against it, turning to the door and closing it. I waited for the sound of the lock to click, and when it did, I let out a huge breath. It was so strange, I felt trapped, but at the same time, I felt kind of free.

I stared out the balcony window, and watched the tree branches shake slightly with the wind.

I felt tears trying to sting my eyes, but I forced them back. I was not going to sit here and cry and just feel sorry for myself.

As I slowly began to fall asleep, my thoughts kept drifting back to memories with my dad. I tried to forget about him, but for some reason I couldn't.

"DAD! HELP ME!" I cried out as I ran into his arms.

"What's wrong monkey?" he chuckled as he picked me up sat me on his lap

"Deans trying to pour juice in my hair! Tell him to stop." I waved my hands in the air like a crazy person and he smiled at me. "Don't smile, it's not funny!" i huffed and crossed my arms, turning my head away from him.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Why don't we go find him and get some revenge, hm?" I smiled mischievously at the word 'revenge'.  He pulled me up and we began searching for dean. After a few minutes, we saw him cautiously creeping down a hallway, looking for me. Dad looked at me and put a finger to his lips, then slowly crept up behind Dean, and snatched him up, tossing him over his shoulder.

"AHH! DAD, PUT ME DOWN!" He punched dad's back, then he looked back and noticed me. His eyes widened with fear.

"Come on monkey, let's go give him a taste of his own medicine." he smiled back at me and ran to catch up with him.

I followed him out to the pool, and my eyes widened with excitement. When Dean realized we were outside, he began screaming again.

"No! Please no! I promise I won't do it again!" Dad placed him down on the ground, and Dean tried to run, but dad caught his hand. He screamed as dad pushed him right into the deep end of the pool.

I ran over to the edge and watched as he swam up to the surface, laughing loudly.

"Alright, your turn monkey" he turned to me and I squealed as I tried to run, but he caught me and threw me into the pool as well. As I swam back up to the surface, I heard deans laughs from beside me.

"Oh my goodness, what are you two doing in there? Get out of the water before you get a cold!" we heard mom's worried voice. Dad reached out his hand and pulled us up out of the water, while mom rushed to get us towels. I looked to dean and nodded my head in dad's direction, and he grinned and nodded back, knowing exactly what I meant.

We both shoved dad as hard as we could, pushing him into the pool. The second he reached the surface, he pulled himself out of the water, and we knew we were dead. He started chasing all around the pool until mom came and made us all go take hot showers before we all got sick.

That night, I heard them talking in the kitchen.

"Jared,the kids need to learn to act like adults and they'll never be able to do that if you keep treating them like kids." mom complained

"They are kids, amelia. Dani's only ten, she's got more than enough time to learn to act like an adult." Dad reassured her.

I decided that I would probably get in trouble if they caught me, so I ran back to my room and slid into bed, drifting off to sleep.

I literally wanted to cry while writing the flashback. Like that was the saddest thing ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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