Chapter 1

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His voice was loud, echoing through the metal room. He turned around and slapped both his hands onto the wall. "Tell me the goddamn code before I strangle it out of you myself!" Matteo boomed.

Here I was, surrounded by some of the most feared mafia men in the world, and I was tied down to a chair. I would have already felt small and helpless and scared, but at least if I wanted to be tied down, I could pretend like I wasn't.

"Calmati fratello" Milo took a step closer to me, and bent down next to the chair I was tied to. (translation: calm down brother)

"Love, you need to tell us the code. I promise we won't hurt you" his voice was soft, making me feel like i could trust him.

"There is no code" it barely came out as a whisper.

"What?" The scarlet shifted closer to me.

"I said there is no code" i finally looked up so i was glaring right at her. "Oh really? So the keypad on the safe is just fake?" Matteo yelled sarcastically.

"Exactly." I looked over at him. "If you untie me, i can open it for you" Milo and Scarlet perked up

He laughed hysterically, "I don't think you understand how this works. You're the one tied up to a chair, not me" I thought for a moment.

He's right. I don't have a choice.

I sighed lightly, knowing I was going to regret what I was about to do."Feel around the side of the keypad. There's a small button. Click it and the keypad will come off" I stared down at the floor.

I heard a small click, and then something clattering to the floor.

"Damn. That old man was smarter than I thought. Lets see if you're as smart as your daddy hm?" Matteo knelt down on the floor right in front of me. "Where's the key to the safe?" His voice was low and dark.

"check the inside of the keypad" scarlet moved towards the discarded piece of metal, picking it up and turning it over, smiling proudly when she found the key.

She bent down and slid the key through the hole, and unlocked it, pulling out the contents and dropping them on the floor. "non é qui" she seethed angrily, tossing a stack of files on the floor.

(translation: it's not here)

"Well then where the hell is it?" All the eyes in the room turned to me.

"Where is what?" The fear in my voice was evident, no matter how hard I tried to hide it.

Milo moves closer to me, "there is a file on someone that we need, and last we heard your father had it. Do you have any idea where it could be?" I paused for a moment, trying to think.

"It could be in his study. He keeps most of his files there." I was scared to ask this question, "what file are you looking for?" Milo looked behind me and Matteo, and then back at me. "The Grim Reapers file"

My eyes grew wide at the mention of that name. Alone, the italian mafia was one of the scariest things, but compared to the Grim Reapers, they were nothing.

"I think i know where it is"

"Where?" Matteo's voice was almost pleading.

"At my house. I can take you and get you the file, but on one condition." he shut his eyes and nodded hesitantly. "I say when we go" he laughed hysterically.

"Why? So we can walk in on your family having dinner and they can all protect you?" He looked at me with a fake smile on his face.

"No. The opposite. We go when no one is home. I don't want any of you anywhere near my family. And no guns." I added it quickly.

"Yes, guns!" Scarlet cried like a baby.

"You say when we go, we get to bring guns, and I'll let you bring some of your things back. Final offer, take it or leave it." He was not messing around anymore, and that was evident in his voice.

"What will you do if I refuse?"As the words left my mouth I questioned whether I really wanted the answer to that.

"We storm the place without you, whether your family is there or not, and if anyone tries anything, there will be gunshots and there will be blood." His threat was rough and deadly.

"Matteo, can I talk to you and Scarlett outside for a minute?" Milo seemed angry at his brother as he dragged his sibling out of the dimly lit room.

I'm screwed. I had two choices, both of which scared me to death. I could betray everything my father spent his life working for, and help these people. Or I could refuse, and my family could all get hurt, or worse, die. I felt my stomach tighten into knots as the three entered the room again. Matteo looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"Okay" I couldn't tell if I was more relieved or scared. He gestured for one of his men from behind me, and I felt the ropes around my wrist being wiggled around, and then loosen.

"portala in una delle stanze degli ospiti. mi occuperò di lei più tardi"(translation: take her to one of the guest rooms. i'll deal with her later).

The three walked out, and as I was contemplating whether I should follow them, or stay behind, one of the men grabbed my forearm and began pulling me out of the room.

"Ow! I can walk myself you know" he ignored me, and I tried to pull out of his grip, but he only held my arm tighter.

The man continued to drag me through the large mansion, and god damn this place was big. It felt like we were walking through a bunch of endless hallways. We finally reached a door and he opened it and pushed me inside.

Without saying a word, he shut the door, and locked it.

With nothing to do, I moved to the large bed across the room, and flopped down onto it. I curled up and faced the window, trying not to think what was happening. But I hadn't even realized that I was crying until a strangled sob left my lips. 

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