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"They are beating him again."

"Poor him... If only he wasn't gay."

"He deserves it actually. He's disgusting!"

I stopped walking as I listened to two girls talking to each other. I walked towards them making their eyes widened and they ran away in the opposite direction with fright written all over their face.

I let out a sad chuckle understanding very well why they don't want me near them...just because I'm a gay. I gulped turning around and started running in the hallways searching for the school bullies.

Where the heck are they?

I slammed open the doors leading to the vast field where students of my school play different sports. I looked around trying to spot the group who are very famous in the school.

I ran back into the school campus silently praying that they aren't hurting him like last time.

I decided to check every hallway once again so I continued running like a madman.

This is the second time those brats are bullying him. Last time they beat him to pulp and he ended up on the hospital bed for straight three days.

I felt tears forming in my eyes at the thought of him getting hurt again. I bumped into someone and fell down on the floor. I hissed clutching my arm which was paining terribly.


I looked up and saw my two best and only friends- sorry ex-best friends who left me when I came out as a gay. The same people who I thought will stand beside me no matter what, abandoned me that day ending our friendship like it never meant anything to them.

I don't know what's wrong with me for excepting them to help me stand up by extending their hand. They stared at me with a blank expression and walked away as if nothing happened.

I let out a sob staring at their backs as they took turn at the end of the hallway disappearing from my sight.
I stood up on my feet gritting my teeth and continued running in search of them.

I rested my hands on my hip trying to catch my breath with tears flowing down my cheeks. I shut my eyes feeling disappointment filling me.

He's my responsibility and I can't even save him being the weakling I am.

I reopened my eyes when the school bell rang indicating that the first class is going to start in a few minutes. I looked down at my feet wiping away the tears.

I observed people giving me looks but I ignored them as I'm used to it and was about to walk away feeling defeated but halted my steps when something clicked in my mind all of a sudden.


I walked towards the stairs clenching my fists and ran up to the rooftop. I twisted the door knob hoping for the door to open but due to my bad luck it was locked from the other side which made it sure that they're in here.

I banged my fists on the door screaming on top of my lungs. I was scared inside knowing very well that they will bully me as well but I need to save him.

I can get the beatings instead of him but I can't bear to see him hurt.

I broke into tears once again when no one opened the door.

"Open the door you motherfuckers!!"

A few seconds later, the door swung open and I felt a hand gripping my collar pulling me in. The person threw me on the ground slamming the door shut locking it.

I looked around trying to spot him and saw him laying down on the floor with blood oozing out of his nose and busted lips.

I stood up running towards him but felt a grip on my bag hanging around my shoulders making me stumble on my feet.

"How dare you call us that?"

I heard the bully speak as he stood in front of me. I glared at him and tried to push him out of my way but instead he harshly pushed me back as I landed on my butt.

I looked at the other bullies still punching and kicking him and stood up again but felt a hard slap on my cheek.

"No leave him alone!"

I heard him shout and immediately groan due to the kick. I looked at the guy who slapped me as he smirked at me.

"Aw... Look at what's happening here! Two lover boys trying to save each other even though both of them are suffering. If this isn't love, then what it is huh?"

I heard the so very familiar voice behind me but didn't turn around to look at him. He is the so called leader of this group of bullies.

"I beat him once already thinking that he would change and become a real man but he didn't instead I found him staring at you with love filled eyes. I mean- just think of it Leo.. It's so gross to imagine people of same gender falling in love with each other. Don't you think?"

I knew that he was walking close to me and soon enough saw him standing in front of me.

"Love is love and gender doesn't fucking matter."

I said staring at my boyfriend getting continuously kicked and here I am standing like a loser who couldn't save him.

I saw the guy who slapped me earlier trying to get to me but the leader stopped him glaring at me.

"Even though he's gross we still are getting benefitted from him. If we beat him and he ends up sick then who will write our assignments?"

The guy backed away listening to his words and I bit my lip trying to control my tears.

"Leo I know you're smart enough to understand that we are doing this so that you people can change. People like you are not accepted in the society. You are a shame. You get it? You are gross and deserve nothing but hell! So if you don't fucking want that then change yourselves!!"

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks listening to his words and fell on my knees letting out sobs.

I stared at my boyfriend groaning in pain trying his hard to not pass out.
All of a sudden, I felt light headed seeing black dots in front of me and passed out.

I sat up on the bed breathing heavily with beads of sweat covering my forehead. I breathed in and out trying to relax myself grabbing the water bottle on the nightstand. I gulped the water and felt tears forming in my eyes.


I gripped the bedsheets tightly trying my best not to cry. Tears cascaded down my cheeks like a waterfall as I started sobbing feeling the pain increasing in my chest.

I clutched my shirt trying to keep sobs low as I don't want anyone waking up. I get nightmares once in a while and I'm quite used to them. No one, not even dad know about it. I deal it on my own as I don't like sharing my past with anyone.

I layed down on the bed pulling the duvet over my body and continued sobbing hugging myself.


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