Part 40

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The next day Kurt didn't really felt better. He wakes up and slowly gets out of bed. Looking in the mirror he sees his pale face even lighter than usual.

Pressing his hand to his forehead Kurt is pretty sure he has a little fever. Not exactly what he needs right now. But that can't bring him down. Not that close before exams. It's just a little fever, not bad.

Kurt finishes getting ready for school and goes downstairs with his packed bag for breakfast. Finn comes short after. Burt already filled two mugs with coffee for the boys and of course one for himself. Carol is already at work but she prepared a healthy breakfast for the boys that should give them some more energy to start in the day.

"You're okay Kurt?" Burt asks and Kurt nods "Just a bit stressed out. I'm glad that I don't have bags under my eyes like Finn does".

The good thing is that Finn looks that exhausted that he isn't much better than Kurt. It makes the whole hiding his fever thing easier for Kurt.

After breakfast the boys goto school. Kurt looks out for Blaine, wanting to ask him if he has time to come over after school but before he can he meets Rachel who had the same idea. "Kurt? Do you have time after school? You and I are smarter than most of the others so we don't have to study that hard. I miss spending time with my best friend" she asks him with a pout.

Kurt sighs but agrees. Since Finn can't spend time with her, Kurt will. He'll just tell Nick and Jeff that he'll call them later than usually to learn. Kurt just hopes that he doesn't end up having to pick sides in the relationship drama between his brother and his best friend.

After school Kurt and Rachel first get a coffee at Lima Beans. Then they drive to Rachel since she doesn't want to meet Finn.

On their way to the Berry house Rachel rants about Finn but Kurt stays silent. He doesn't really want to get involved but he knows how good it feels sometimes so he just let her do.

In Rachels room the best friends sit on the bed, talk about the latest gossip, the theme for this week in glee and upcoming events. Kurt enjoys the time he spands with Rachel and he knows she does too but he can't stay too long since he can't let Nick and Jeff wait forever.

Rachel hugs her friend goodbye and Kurt drives home again. His dad is still at the shop, his brother in his room studying and Carol probably asleep in the bedroom after her shift which ended not to long ago. That way it's easy for Kurt to get to his room without any attention.

Once in his room Kurt calls his two Dalton friends and starts studying with them, losing his concentration more and more the later it gets.

When it's finally time for dinner Kurt says goodbye to his friends and goes down to eat with his family. "How was your afternoon with Rachel?" Finn asks and his brother answers "It was fun. She's still pissed at you but she also misses you. Concentrate on school and once the exams are over you go to her and talk things through with her. Then you'll be fine again".

Kurt sticks to his plan on not taking any sides in this because both are very important people for him. Luckily Rachel didn't made him choose and Finn doesn't make him do that either.

This evening Kurt doesn't call Blaine since the latter said that he's watching a movie with his mom. Instead he just wishes him a good night and goes to bed. He really needs to rest.

The sleep didn't do much because Kurt doesn't feel any better when he wakes up the next morning. Still he stands up and gets ready for school.

Breakfast is like yesterday. When Kurt comes down he sees dis dad filling three mugs with coffee. Carol prepared the healthy and energetic fot the two school boys again before leaving for her early shift. Short after Kurt sat down Finn comes down and sits down too, his eyes looking even more tired than yesterday.

"God I'm glad when exams are over and you both get a good sleep again" Burt laughs but non of the boys is much in the mood of laughing so they just give Burt a tired smile.

When it's time for school the boys stand up, get their things and drive to school after waving Burt goodbye.

At school Kurt quickly finds Blaine "Hey. Are you coming after school to learn with Finn and me?". "Okay but not for to long because I still have to do something at home" Blaine answers, greeting his boysfriend with a short kiss.

Then Blaines phone starts ringing and Blaine excuses himslef "Sorry I have to take that. It's my mom". And with that he walks away, letting Kurt behind. Kurt couldn't even says something and by now he gets the feeling that it's not Pam calling her son a few minutes after he arrived at school.

Great. Just another thing on Kurts stress list. He'll take care of that once he survived school.

The school day seems to be endless long but eventually it's over and Kuer, Blaine and Finn drive home to the Hudson-Hummel house. Burt is still at the shop but Carol is home from work, still in her work clothes, making something for lunch before she goes to bed.

"Hey boys" she greets "If you want a little study break, I'll put you some snacks I made in the fridge for later". "Thanks mom" Finn says and heads to the living room with the other two following.

The boys sit down there and get their school stuff out. More or less concentrated the three boys start studying for one hour. Then Finn complains "I'm hungry. I'm going to get us some of the snacks mom made".

Laine uses the little break to go to the toilet fast. Much to Kurts luck he lets his phone in the living room.

This could be Kurts chance to look after who called Blaine this morning. But Kurt holds back the urge to check the boys phone. He trusts Blaine.

Then the phone beeps and the screen turns on, showing a new notification. Now Kurt can't look away. He doesn't look through Blaines phone. It was a pure accident. Just like on new years morning when Pam wrote Blaine and Kurt saw it.

But Kurt is confused if not even shocked ehen he sees who wrote Blaine and what this person wrote.

Sebastian: So tomorrow at 2? The little ice cream shop again? I liked it there.

Kurt know exactly which place Sebastian means. Kurt loves that place and it has the best ice cream. But why again? And why is Sebastian texting Blaine in first place?

Then he hears steps and sits back down on his place just in time when Blaine comes back. He thinks about maybe asking Blaine but decides not to. He has another plan.

When Finn comes back with the snacks the three boys continue learning and eating while doing so.

About one and a half hour later Blaine jumps up "I lost the track of time. I have to go home now". "Babe we'll talk tomorrow. See you on Monday Finn" he says fast and with that he's out of the door.

"Well that was a quick goodbye" Finn laughs. "Let's finish the task. I still have to help Nick and Jeff with their stuff" Kurt reminds his brother who nods remembering "Right".

Like he said after the task Kurt goes up to his room, sits down in front of his laptop and calls the two Dalton boys.

Two hours later Kurt says goodbye to his friends again. They didn't finish and agreed on coninuing tomorrow but Dalton has dinner time now and at Kurts dinner should be ready in a bit as well.

When Blaine wants to call Kurt he sees that the boy texted him that he already goes to bed and that they'll talk tomorrow. Blaine is fine with that. The whone studying is exhaustinf for his head too.

But Blaine doesn't know how much harder it is for Kurt. Still the boy keeps going, ignoring that his sick body tells him to rest. He's tired and can't concentrate but he'll get through it. It's okay.

It's weekend now and Kurt only studies a bit more with Nick and Jeff, who's exams start on Monday. But that's only in the afternoon.

In the noon Kurt will have appetite on ice cream from his favorite ice cream shop. And he'll go to get some ice at about 2pm. Then he'll catch Blaine and Sebastian in the act and find out what's going on.

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