chapter 11 (good ending)

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Yn pov

The kid was at work stopping afton. I was closing the door on Roxy and chica. This was the only way to get rid of this evil to finally kill afton.....once and for all. I heard movement from above and was scared if it was vanny or someone else who wanted to kill us. The movements got closer and i froze in fear.....but then Sundrop fell out from the hole that we fell through when the board broke. Next came Moondrop who successful landed on his feet. I filled with excitement as i ran and hugged Moondrop.

Moondrop pov.

We were following where i believed Yn was going. Sundrop tagged along. I was looking around when Sundrop fell into a hole landing on his ass. I looked down at him then jumped and landed on my feet. I felt quite proud of myself when I landed but i was knocked to the ground when someone tackled me to the ground. I looked and saw it was Yn. I wasn't to late! I hugged her back happy she was still alive.

Time skip to after they fight afton cause I'm like really lazy.

Yn pov

The place was burning down we were all running to escape... I looked back and saw afton Limping towards us but that blob from earlier came down next to him and it's face plate opened. Then it dragged afton into the fire. That's what he deserved.... We kept running till we got outside i saw a van and pushed all of them to it. I got into the driver's seat

(I'm not letting Gregory drive shame😂 GTA moves there)

I hot wired the car and we driving away.....i was driving towards my place. It's the only place these guys could wouldn't be to bad having moon at my house hehehehe. Besides that i knew i could finally rest in peace knowing that we had stopped afton and no more people would get hurt.....and i could have moon in my life... Gregory gets to grow up with Freddy and even Sundrop gets to stay with his brother .....we had a bright future ahead.....

The end

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