Chapter 5: Undoubtable

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Haden's POV

They called her name from the long list of girls waiting to be Assigned.
"Emmaline Mae Marshall?" The speaker asked.

And as it always does, my heart rate accelerates at the mention of her name. Butterflies were born in my nervous stomach as she took those last, shaking steps of her freedom.

Then, they called his name, a card drawn from the Bowl of Chance.
"Christopher Troy Meeks!"
The name of my new worst enemy.

A thundering round of applause erupted from the throng of people around me, and I felt my resolve fade away. I was an animal born from my past, present, and future, a rage monster. Infuriated that I hadn't gotten my way.

The tall, brown haired boy practically skipped onto the stage and towards her. My girl, the one that I've loved for a long time, even before she noticed me. For as long as I remember knowing her.

And there she was, on that plush sofa, awaiting her demise. Her eyes flitting around nervously, searching for something. She was looking for me.

Her eyes met mine, and I saw how scared she was. How much sadness still lingered in her soul. How much I could see that she missed me, wanted nothing but to hold me in her arms and never let me go.

The boy, Christopher, stepped foward and shook her trembling hand, looking into her eyes. I saw her hesitate for a second before freezing up, and letting go of his hand quickly. Then, she took a step back, for good measure I was sure.

The spokesman announced that the vows were about to begin, and then I got angrier, if that was even possible. I'm sure that you could practically see the steam coming out of my ears. I watched the scumbag pull that piece of paper out of his pocket, and then unfold the sharp creases.

The cleric motioned for him to go on, and read his vows to my Emmaline, but instead, he did something that surprised us all. Boldly, he ripped the paper in two.

The crowd around me gasped, shocked at what he had just done. I doubt that any of them had ever seen that before. But, regardless, he could get in some deep trouble for that little action.
And I'm sure everyone thought that he would; until he began speaking, that is.

He told her how she was beautiful, and how he claimed that he would stay committed to her. Well of course he would, he had no other choice. But he told her things that I should've said to her before this awful world wrenched us apart. I felt like such a coward. I was too scared to speak up before.

He's only known her a few minutes, and already, he sees her as she truly is. And I knew then, in that moment, that even if I couldn't bring her back to me, she would be safe with him. Soon, I became less angry and more optimistic.

She would be okay.

The gathering of people clapped once more for the Assigned, and I even felt myself clapping quietly, too. And before they led her away, she looked back at me. Her sadness and longing just about overwhelmed me, and I felt the tears coming on. But I couldn't cry, not here, not now.

Then, just like that, she was gone.


Assignment after Assignment, the square began to empty out. Parents usually only stayed for their children, and maybe a few close friends, but never more than that. It was too much for any parent to handle, seeing their children being given away.

The newly Assigned left with their counselors, and soon, there was only one girl left upon the stage. There were still at lest fifteen guys left though, just like they said there would be.

They called her name. "Kia Rae Zilberman?" And the few people that were left standing in the square applauded quietly. The level of anticipation between us remaining boys rose dramatically, enough to get us on the edge of our seats.

And then, they called his name.
"Haden Joseph Markson!"

I was relieved and shocked at the same time. Relieved and shocked that it was the girl I was being Assigned to, and not a guy. Not that I was prejudiced or anything, but I wasn't gay, not at all.

I slowly rose from my seat with shaking legs, and I took those last few steps of my independence through the rows of now empty chairs, give a few. I let my feet take me there and my mind wander. Where was she right now? What was she doung, and how was she feeling?

It had been at most three hours since I had last seen her, but I was suffering a slight withdrawal from her, if that makes sense. I was used to her constant texts, or seeing her, whether it be at school, or in her room at night. And, admittedly, I was afraid, afraid that maybe, I'd never see her again.

By the time that I had let my thoughts come back to me, I was up on the stage taking those remaining steps towards her.

I knew Kia from school, as she had been in my English class. She had wavy black hair and a pale complexion, with emerald green eyes. I knew that she was a little shy, quiet, but was very kind when you got to know her.

The spokesman made us shake hands, and it felt weird to touch someone's hands that were not Emmaline's. I wasn't used to touching anyone but her. I looked up at Kia and gave her a small, reassuring smile. She gave me a lopsided one back.

The clergyman stepped foward, and asked me for my vows. I had them, well actually I had two, one for the slight chance that I would be Assigned to my Emmy, and one that I had for anyone else. I took out the latter and began reading.

"Kia, I know that I barely know you, but I'm gonna really try and make this work. Kia, I promise you that I will be there for you and make you happy, even in your toughest times. I hope that you'll know that through the troubles or hardships that may come to us." I said with next to no enthusiasm in my tone.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Kia and Haden!" The spokesman boomed, and the remaining group of people applauded. Most of the boys left were staring daggers at me, jealous that I got Assigned to the last girl.

I walked off of the stage, a counselor behind me and Kia by my side, and walked to the vehicle that would take us away.


Authors Note: I am soooo sorry for the long wait! I keep getting writers block, and it really frustrates me. I'm promising you that I'll be better with updating.

Regarding Haden's Assignment, I literally picked from a hat and decided if he would be Assigned to the girl or a boy. I have absolutely no aversion to the LGBT community.

As always, comments and votes are lovely! Thanks

♡~ Kendall

Qotc: Anything that I need improvement on? If so, let me know:)

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