Chapter 7: Undecided

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Emmaline's POV

I woke up to the warm rays of sun shining through the window. Stretching my sore muscles, I rolled over in bed and snuggled farther into the blankets. I yawned and hoped that sleep would find me once more. No such luck, because then I was harshly awakened.

Sitting up in a flash, I realized that the walls that surrounded me were not the brown and blue ones of my room. They were a darker, ocean blue, and gave me a larger space than that of my room.

Suddenly, all of the events from yesterday flooded my mind. Important, life changing things that happened previously. The Assignment. Losing Haden. Being Assigned to someone else... Christopher. I should probably go talk to him.

I almost headed out the door when I realized that I needed some different clothes. There was a green tee on the floor that I assumed belonged to Chris. I was still too tired to put on actual clothes, so I just put his shirt on like a dress. I knew it would make him happy, anyways.

Cracking open the door slowly, I tiptoed to the kitchen. Following the smells of eggs and bacon, I slowly made my way. I wondered if it was Chris cooking, because I could hear a pan being moved around on the stove.

I peeked my head around the wall, just taking in the sight of him cooking. He looked good shirtless, bent over the stove cooking. I stood there for a while before making my presence known.

"The food smells great." I enthused, walking over to the stove. I then realized that I was starving.

He jumped about a foot in the air, looking around at me. "Um, yeah. Sorry. I should have put on a shirt or something before I started cooking, huh?" He said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, no, it's fine. I really don't mind. I'm used to it." I explain, sitting down at one of the barstools. "Is breakfast almost ready?"

He didn't answer, instead he pulled out a blue ceramic plate and began putting food on it. I got chessy, scrambled eggs and crisp, applewood smoked bacon. It was delicious, and I was in heaven.

He stood behind the counter and poured me some orange juice before serving himself. He put the same on his green plate, but a smaller portion. It was all that was left of the food. He began eating, standing behind the counter.

"You know that you can sit beside me, right? I don't bite on Saturdays!" I joked. "And you didn't have to give me all of the food, either. You can have some of mine." I tried, scooting my plate over to him.

"No, you need it." He insisted, giving me my plate back. "I'll sit beside you, but I'm not taking your breakfast." He laughed. It was almost like he though I was being silly for even asking.

When he took the seat beside me, I asked him something, something that I needed to know.

"What happened after the movie last night?"

"Well," He spoke softly, "You cried yourself to sleep in my arms. When I was sure that you were asleep, I carried you back to bed. I laid with you for a few minutes, hoping that it would maybe comfort you, even while sleeping. Then, I came back and crashed on the couch. I wouldn't sleep in the same bed with you without your permission. I made you a promise," He paused. "But if you want me to, I can." He added quickly.

I nodded, taking the idea into consideration. I didn't think that I would let go of Haden that quickly, but, if he didn't come for me, I don't think I would be so upset. Every word that Chris spoke made me fall for him more, and I couldn't stop myself. It had only been a day since I had first met him. He was just so sweet, perfect, even. Like he would be the death of me.

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