Chapter 10: Understanding

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Emmaline's POV

By the time that I woke up, the bed beside me was cold. Frowning, I stretched and sat up, placing my feet on the plush rug. I walked across the cool floorboards towards my bag that had been placed against the wall. Unzipping the floral print suitcase, I selected my outfit for the day.

Since hiking boots and clothes hadn't been packed for me, Kia had left me her collection. Luckily, we wore the same size in everything except for shirts. Hers were a little tight on me, but I made do with them since I didn't have any special sweat-wicking clothes.

The pants were a nuisance to get on. I was having a hard time with the khakis, however loose they may be. Slipping on the shirt wasn't easy, either. I was merely declaring my journey be putting on these clothes, yet I was already tired of it.

Taking a hair band, I tie back my mess of blonde frizz. Frizziness meant that the humidity had changed drastically, and, upon noticing the dark clouds in the morning sky, it would rain today. Annoyed by this fact, I stomped toward the ensuite to get ready.

There was a small dilemma when I realized that Chris had never thought to pack my makeup or toothbrush. This day wasn't off to the best of starts. I placed my hands on the counter, my arms holding me away from it. I blew a stray piece of hair out of my face and glanced at my reflection in the elegant mirror. It was really strange to see myself in clothes such as these, but I could get used to it. They shouldn't matter, anyway.

After thoroughly scrubbing my face with a cloth, I returned to the bedroom. I picked up my pajamas folding them and returning them to my suicase. I made the bed out of habit, almost forgetting that it wasn't mine. And I realized that I would miss being in a house, alone with Haden. Even if I'd only stayed there for a day. It was amazing, and I wasn't ready to give it up.

My thoughts drifted over to Chris. I wondered how he was, how Kia was, how Jonathan was. I could imagine that they were all safe, having a warm breakfast in the kitchen. Sitting at the table, happily chatting away.

Worry was still claiming it's place in my head. For all of them alike. But Chris, Chris I could not shake. I had probably stood there for a good seven minutes or so before letting the thoughts slide. I did not want to think of him. I needed to focus on my future with Haden. After all, it's what I've always wanted, right?

I told myself that it was, and continued with my day. Leaving the room, giving it one last look. Making my way into the kitchen where I knew that my love would be waiting with a warm plate of cinnamon toast, my favorite food in the world. Thinking thoughts that would only bring happiness to me would be my coping strategy throughout this whole mess. Filtering out the negatives.

My fingers ran along the walls, running over the boards of wood. It was smooth, only interrupted by the occasional divot or two. Dumb as it may have seemed, it was calming to me. The wall ended in the foyer, an arched doorway above my head. Beautiful blue skylights glistened in the dull sunlight coming through them and the different shards all reflected together. The sight helped to relax me, soothe me. I was nervous.

When I got into the kitchen, a plate was waiting for me on the table, Haden nowhere to be seen. Upon looking around, I noticed a little slip of paper resting innocently beside my place. Figuring that it was a note from him, I picked it up and unfolded the sharp creases. I began to read with an earnest.

"Dear Emmaline," It began,

"I rest underneath the oak trees, a bubbling stream beside me. My arms await for you, my dear. Join me on this lovely morning alone together."

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