Chapter 6: Awkward

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Dedicated to ella.0k

Haden's POV 

   The car ride to our destination seemed to stretch on for hours. Although I knew that in reality, it was only about one. I was sitting next to Kia on the comfy leather back seat, behind a partition. We spent most of the ride in silence, exchanging small talk at random intervals.

   At the beginning, I spoke with her about the situation with Emmaline, explaining everything from how we met to our separation. She nodded along, only speaking when I asked her the last question.

   "Kia, is it alright if I try and find her? She means the world to me, and I really couldn't imagine my life without her. I know it's illegal, but I'm willing to take any risk for my Emmy, you know?" I had practically begged her, hoping that she would be okay.

   "Yes, it's perfectly fine with me," she said calmly. "I'll even help you if you'd like. I saw the way you looked at her, you know. You were smitten from day one!" She giggled.

   A faint blush crept over my cheeks, while a smile burst it's way on to my face. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" I screeched, leaning across the middle and giving her a hug.

   She laughed, turning to face the window, watching the setting sun and the city lights fade away behind us.


   By now, the sun had disappeared behind the horizon. The car made its way along a dirt road that cut through the dark forest. There were trees on either side of us, seemingly closing us in.

   "I love the woods, don't you?" Kia asked, resting her fingers against the window glass.

   "Yeah, I do. I used to go camping with my dad before my mom died, but after she got the cancer, my dad, he got depressed. He would never respond to me. Eventually, he got better, but he was never the same."

   "You see, their love was real. I could see it in their eyes, or the way they held themselves differently around the other. It wasn't some fake thing, held together only by the law. I saw that in Emmaline every day, and it hurt so much that I couldn't call her mine. My mother told me to chase my dreams, and she fulfills them all." I finished, my eyes burning with threatening tears.

   "Hey," Kia said, patting my shoulder, "You don't have to tell me Haden, I understand. Don't worry about a thing, I'll help you with it and it will all work out, I swear."

   "Thank you," I murmured, smiling a little at the comfort she had given me.

   The remainder of the drive was spent in silence, both keeping to our own thoughts. Eventually, we came to a stop in front of a small, stone cottage. The moonlight illuminated the house and the forest surrounding it, giving it a beautiful setting.

    Kia's door opened, the chauffer letting her out onto the pebble drive. I also got out, helping the chauffer with our bags. Kia wandered up the path, stopping right in front of the wooden door. The chauffer set our bags down, and then left, tipping his hat.

   After the car had disappeared from view, I took Kia up and into my arms. "Just for the heck of it, eh?" I laughed. She giggled her agreement, allowing me to open the door and carry her over the threshold. I set her down in the small foyer, and went to retrieve the bags.

   When I came back inside, Kia was nowhere to be found. I assumed that she had gone to look around a bit, so I took in my surroundings.

   It was a quaint little cottage, with wooden floors and storm- cloud-gray walls. There was a small arched doorway in front of me, and I guessed that it led to a kitchen and a living room. To my left, there was a long hallway. Hoping to find two bedrooms, I took up our bags and went to search.

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