chapter 1

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Remember? when you were just a kid, carefree and oblivious to the shackles of real life. The part of our lives, we had no idea we would miss so much, all of us are guilty of taking it so lightly. Isn't it?

The first time you got asked the age old question, "what you wanna be when you grow up?".

Honestly, I didn't even know the options, what I did know was I liked colors, canvases, drawing, paints and their smell. You know when you hold a brush and droplets of paint stick to your fingers, by the time you are done with the painting. Your hands are a piece of art too, mixture of all the colors you used on the canvas.

And of course I wanted to be helpful, I wanted to make a difference, be important. So, with the little knowledge that I had i narrowed down all the possibilities to the two outcomes, painter and doctor.
Soon I realized it was the later that got more recognition than the former. Which made me subconsciously stick to that, I didn't have an actual motive behind that choice but I liked the idea and I had to be something. so, doctor it was.

Growing up i came to the conclusion, I wasn't all that bad at this school thing, Infact I was quite good. Everyone very conveniently forgot the creative part of me because that's not shown on your marksheets, is it?
But I refused to let that go. So, It quickly became my escape, that's what happens to the non-academic interests, they always have to take a backseat. It didn't take too long before I could see that this world is not what i invisioned. A world obsessed with loosing the virginity never really cares about loss of innocence. When in reality it's the innocence that makes all the difference, like being 'pragmatic v/s true to your heart' debate is completely anchored on whether or not you are still connected to that child within you. In an attempt of finding who we are, we loose who we used to be. Take a moment and think, are you the person you once thought you would be when you grow up? Will you like you if you meet the baby version of you?

I quickly learned, this rat race of being someone is a part of life but what if I really like me, what if I also want to be me and perhaps painting was my way of self preservation, my little act of rebellion, making sure that no matter what I do or where I go, at the end of the day when my head hits the pillow and I let my mind run free into my world of imagination I'm still the main character of my story.

So, after studying my ass off, here I am Dr Niharika singh. Currently a resident at the pediatrics department at a hospital in New Delhi. Over worked, sleep deprived, exhausted and hungry on my night duty. If you think I made it, think AGAIN. Because every night when I'm sitting here and not in my bed, it makes me want to question all my life choices. And every morning when I see my patients getting better, it makes me want to make the exact same choices all over again, if given the chance. So, right now my job and I are in " I hate you, I love you, I hate that I love you" kind of situation. Yes, I literally used a song to explain how I feel. I like doing that more than I care to admit.

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