chapter 2

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Just as i was done with my rounds, routine blood work of my patients, going through the reports and making sure they don't have any new symptoms, I sat my ass in the doctor's room. Dropped my head on the headrest of the chair, closed my eyes, exhausted !!!

10 seconds later, there was a commotion. I tried to ignore but the voice started raising. Then someone came inside the doctor's room. Correction, stormed into it. I jerked my head towards the door to see, there was a man. At least 6 foot tall with a stubble and broad shoulders, who was looking around as if he didn't just invade a  space not meant for him.

I was furious. He took a few steps, completely ignoring me.

Who does he think he is?

"Excuse me Mr, what are you doing here? This is not...."

Ignores me, moves towards the window. As if inspecting something, then looks at the walls, tubelights, fans.... Every freaking thing but not ME.

"You have to get out, right now?"
That got his attention. He looked at me top to bottom, dismissively. If my blood wasn't boiling already, it was now.

"Call the main doctor, whoever is the incharge of this floor." He ordered. Freaking ordered as if I worked for him.

When I don't budge he turns toward me.
Walks in my direction , puts his hands on the table in front me, bends over and says, " I do not have the whole day to do this, now go out and call your boss".

I stood up to get myself into a better position, fold my arms in front of my chest, "you seem to have forgotten your way I think, first of all outsiders are not allowed because it is a... doctor's...duty room and second of all its a hospital so don't act like you are busier than a doctor. You want someone? Go get them. I don't take orders from YOU."

"Ohh, you will."

"Ohh! Are you for real ?
You think you can barge in here, act like an HOD of the dept and people will be following your lead. If you don't get out right this moment, the guards will do the honours."

"Did you just threaten me?"

"Be glad I'm not already following what I just said. You have 10 secs."

"You are sure you are a doctor? Doesn't sound like it. And why are you chilling here instead of treating the patients."

Ohh, he did not just say that. I walk around the table and stand in front of him. Fuming.

"Just how can people like you be allowed to walk on streets with a disclaimer of 'keep the distance, or you may get hurt' , how? "


I raise my hand and stop him from completing whatever venomous things he was about to say.

" Sister!!! Send the guard here." I stare the guy down but he doesn't even blink even as I'm about to get him thrown out.
He stands there arrogantly, stubbornly.

"You are going to regret this."

"Ahh, don't you worry about me. I know how to handle people like you. How dare you question my ethics and morals as a doctor. "
I raise my voice, I haven't had breakfast and it's time for lunch, haven't been home since yesterday and here he is dressed in his immaculate white dress shirt and dark navy blue pants.
I don't even remember the last I had my apron washed, I'm never home.

Hungry and sleep deprived, I was on the verge of loosing it. What they say? Hangry?....right?.... I was hangry.

The door opened again. But it wasn't the guard who entered the room. It was the HOD himself. Good, now he'll know what it means to mess with a doctor on duty, that too in a busy hospital.

The Head of the dept moves closer and as I'm about to say everything. He goes directly towards the asshole in front of me, totally ignoring me. Shakes his hand and...

"Hello Mr khanna, it's so good to see you. You should have come directly to my office, I would have given you the inspection myself."

At this point my jaw was hanging on the floor. Give him an inspection? The HOD of our dept Dr Sanjay Rai when he enters the elevator we are supposed to press the button for him. I remove the cap of the pen, so he can write; he never even says thanks you for all those things and now he was willing to give 'An Inspection' of the hospital. As in the whole hospital !!!

What in the bloody hell. I abruptly jerk my head to the guy. NO , not 'The guy' , Mr Khanna. He does not even smile back to Dr Rai, and I thought he was rude to ME. Someone who doesn't acknowledge a HOD , how are they going to treat ME as a human. My heart sinks a little, what did I do?

What if he.... I couldn't even complete the thought.

"Dr Niharika, meet Mr khanna. His company got the contract for the renovation of the hospital and construction of a microbiology lab, he'll be doing an inspection regarding that. I hope you don't mind......" I zoned out. What!!! Company!!! Contract!!!

"Dr Niharika? "

"Yes sir", I abruptly said.

" The meeting regarding that is in the conference room, ask everyone to be there in 10 minutes."

"Yes, sir! "

As everybody was moving out, he looked at me. God, I knew in the moment that this wasn't going to be a joy ride.

I sank on my chair and internally screamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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