An Introduction to his past

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I walked on the paved path with my suitcase rolling behind me. I looked around as I walked towards my dorm room. It felt great to be back to my college friends and it just started feeling like I belonged. After a whole year, being back felt like bliss. I was finally away from the place that reminded me of her.

I felt my phone buzz and I picked up the call with excitement, so much that I was close to dropping it. It was Krish! I mean, How could I not? It felt like ages since we talked last.

'Are you there yet?', he asked me. Wow, it was almost like I forgot how he sounded. I had stopped leaving the house, and now I was going to hostel. We certainly had lost verbal conversations. He was still my best friend and I'd still always be there for him. 
'Yeah, looking around for now. Almost feels like it has been a decade since I came here.'

I returned to my hostel as I simultaneously spoke to Krish.

'Bro, I'm here. I'll cut the call now.', I said, as I entered through the gate.
'Yeah man, All the Best!'

I continued walking and walking.. and walking. It was a long path, to be honest. I stopped and turned when I heard somebody shout my name.

I turned and was looking at my, now in high school sister. She had been among the few constants in my life. But isn't it somewhat a rule that we're not supposed to be affectionate towards our sibling. I mean, the only reason for their existence is because you were getting bored, so the parents decide to get somebody whom you can annoy. 

As her brother, I keep those rights reserved to myself. 
'What are you doing here? I thought you went home with mom and dad.', I asked her.
'No, I had something to talk to you about.'
'What is it? I don't have much time, you know? I was slightly annoyed. I honestly had a lot of time but I wanted to roam around the campus for a while, get used to the vibe and find something to eat.

'I have something for you, actually.'
'Aww, you're going to miss me? Didn't think that would happen in this lifetime. Haha.' I laughed it out.
'It wouldn't, you were right. This is not from me.'
Oh, it wasn't. Looks like my guessing game took a major hit today. Usually, I am on point with such stuff. Especially with Rhea, 'cause whether or not she accepts it, She's pretty predictable.

'Then who is it from?' I wanted to know. The few people I was close to, already had a farewell party and I don't think they would send anything through Rhea. I had a random name in my head, but I wasn't sure if she was the one who sent it.

'Its from Jiya.' 
Aha! I knew it. I didn't think she would talk to me. I supposed she was mad at me for, well, everything. 
 Rhea handed me the small box covered in gift wrapping paper and was about to walk away. But, she turned back and said,
'I know she didn't say this herself, but I'm pretty sure she was upset she wasn't invited to the farewell. You didn't even say goodbye to her right?'

I fell silent at this. I hadn't. I didn't know how she would react. Plus, I couldn't talk to her. After what I had done. I just couldn't. Rhea left and I slowly opened the box. I found a letter and a black bracelet. I read the letter.

Dear Jay,
Things have been difficult with us. But Im so glad you're following your dreams. You're doing what you like. I have a bracelet for you. I have another one of the same kind. You can wear it, or maybe discard it. I leave it to you. Also, I assumed you would think I'm mad at you for not inviting me, haha, dont worry. I know you couldn't. I understand.
I wish you luck in the form of that bracelet. And, I wanted to tell you this earlier. But my parents' divorce has been finalised. And, I think by the time you get this, I would've shifted. As planned, I'm going to be with my mom.
Anyways, All the best for your future. Make your parents proud. And as far as I am concerned, I've always been proud of you. And well, Im gonna say our breakup line again.
Sorry for everything I did and Thank you for everything you did.
God, this is gonna get cringe now. Anyway, the reason I am not telling you where Im shifting to, is because I want to leave it to fate. I know you don't believe in all that but if we ever meet again, you'll have to accept it as fate. No turning back, okay?

Bye! Take care!

I'd be lying if I said it didn't tear me up. 'Okay Jiya.', I whispered to nobody, in specific. Probably the letter, and wore that bracelet, swearing to never take it off. And I walked through the gate, into the college campus, with a positive aura surrounding me. I felt as if she was right by me, holding my hand. I knew I had to prove her right and make her proud.

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