Turning Tables, Right Left And Center

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'I THOUGHT YOU WERE SLEEPING!', Rhea came in screaming 'And to think I left my comfortable place for you just so you could use your phone!'

It would be fair to say that I heard what she said but in my defence, I was too numb to say anything. Why do I have to defend myself, though? This is my story, I'm sure you've liked me so far. Anyways, We'll have a special appearance when the time comes.
Now where were we? Yup, her text.

It was a prank. It had to be. I didn't want to hurt her but I knew there was something fishy. So, I typed and I deleted it, typed again and delete again. I didn't know what to say. What if it was a dare and I say that I liked her for the past 3 years. My secret would be out in the open.

"Jay? You there? Is it so difficult to believe? Its alright if you don't have an answer. It's just a confession.", her text popped up.

"Are you pranking me?" Sorry guys, but I had to ask. No matter how much I liked her, a crush liking you back just feels surreal. More than surreal, a fantasy, A meme. Okay, enough.

"Excuse me? Pranking you? Ask Preeti. I told her about it today."

I texted Preeti. But I was not patient to have a text conversation about it. With her permission, I called her and she picked it up after 3 rings.

'Yes, Jay. What is it that compelled you to call me so late? I'm your sister's best friend. Not yours.'
Ah, yes. Forgot one little detail. Preeti is Rhea's best friend.

'Yeah, I know. If you let me speak, I might tell you.'
'What is it?'
'Um, well. Jiya told me something today.'
'OH... she told you already?'

This feels like a trap. And I was all equipped to walk into it and still get out unscathed. Hm..
'Yup. So, is it true?'
'Uh huh. She has a crush on you. Since about 2 months now, I think. I came to know today, though.'

Well, what do I say now? She said it before I blurted anything out.

'Yeah. Just wanted to confirm with you.'
'Okay... so, what now?'

Oh yeah, what now? I still wasn't convinced that she wasn't pranking me. But I couldn't tell Preeti to prove it to me. That would be awkward, I think. So I simply said,

'What do you mean what now? It doesn't matter.'
'Yeah, okay right. I'm gonna cut the call. Having dinner.

I didn't know if I tell Jiya that I just cross-checked the information or just make up an excuse and let it be?

Maybe I should? Being dishonest would be wrong. Not ignoring the fact that Preeti was a better friend of hers and she would eventually know if I lied.
So I decided against it. But it won't be easy. I didn't know if I had completely processed the information. Yup, a doubt will be considered a no.

"So... I checked in with Preeti...."
"Yup, I took the silence for that. Wouldn't like the idea of being ghosted."

Wow, she was so calm. And here I was, panicking and overthinking the shit outta me. For the past few months, I understood and learnt that all this was a part of who SHE was, the overthinking and the panic. I was always the calm one.
Oh, how the tables have turned.

"You aren't pranking me, right?"

"AGAIN? Seriously? Never-mind, It doesn't matter, right?
We're still friends."

I foolishly typed and texted, not noticing that she had exactly quoted the words I told Preeti. Thank god I chose not to lie to her.
Pro tip: Don't lie to girls. They have their secret informers EVERYWHERE, no kidding. You'll know what I mean when we get there.

Okay, no more spoilers

I decided to give myself some time. I should've just told her I liked her too. But she said that hers was just a confession.
What am I supposed to do with a confession? Overthink till I regret my decision? I was already partly there! 

'I should've told her how I had been feeling for the past 3 years!'
'What should I do now?'
'Won't it be wrong to first act like nothing happened and then come back to her while she might be moving on?'

After a week of all this overthinking. I knew what was to be done. I hoped it wasn't too late. I just wished. 

And on that windy evening of 8th March, International Women's Day, I was all ready to tell her that her feelings were reciprocated. 
I switched my mobile on, and scrolled through the notifications, clearing them one by one, with regards to how useful they were.

And thats when I stopped at one. THE mail. Yup, my college application had been accepted! After getting rejection mails from 2 colleges, I was unsure if I would get accepted here, SIT being the most renowned among all 3. 

I ran out and squealed the highest I ever had. Man, male voices are not designed to be at such a high note. I dont think I had ever seen my parents this happy. And I mean it. And I forgot that I was supposed to text Jiya.

But that night, just before bedtime, it hit me, I was going to be in another city for the  next 4 years, at least. Without Jiya. 

I shouldn't tell her this. I shalln't tell anyone. 

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