A sick person in love

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I was not really willing to do much that day.. the Saturday I had been waiting for. I might be also partly dreading it but lets look at the positive side?

I woke up that morning and opened the windows. The cool morning air gushed in and sent a chill through my spine. I was good as long as I was in bed. I didn't want to move. And yet, I got out of bed and somehow managed to come out of the room. It was like my feet didn't obey me. 

I saw Rhea standing in the kitchen, making Jiya's favourite, Choco chip Chocoalate cake. I walked to the sofa and thumped on it. The thump might have made her aware of my presence, she walked up to me and looked at me suspiciously. 
'You don't look very good, Jay. Maybe stay at home today.' 
'I'm fine. I'll be better if I take a bath.'

Walking back to the bedroom and taking a bath felt like a task. But, I was determined to finish it. I came out of the washroom, worse than before. Thankfully, thats when Rhea entered the room. I still don't know how she was bold enough to enter but I'm thankful she did, that day. 

'You're gonna get better if you take a bath huh? STAY HOME. Im going to get ready. I have prepared soup for you and some food. Just finish it. Take the medicine kept on the table. Conversation is over.'

God knows when that innocent girl turned into a controlling woman. But maybe she was right.
I lay in bed and slept for about half an hour and suddenly, something, not sure what to this day, woke me up. 

I didn't hesitate to call Rhea. She picked up within 3 rings. Yup, she's on her phone all the time.
'You okay?', she asked me the moment she picked the call up.

'Have you reached yet?

'Not yet. Oh yeah, no I'm here. I see her. Okay, she's waving at me. I'll talk to you later!'

'No wait, keep me on. I wanna hear.'

'I don't care if you're sick, if this costs me the friendship, dearest brother YOU are going to be dead meat.'

'We're vegetarian.', I remarked. For some reason I thought it might be humorous(?)

'Oh shut up. You know what I mean.'

Hi Jiya! Wow, it's been a long time. How have you been?! '

Doing good.. Tell me about you!

Nothing much, living with Jay. He drives me crazy sometimes.

That bitch.

Speaking of, where's he? You told me, he was going to be here.

He's sick, so I told him to stay at home.

He could've told me he didn't want to come.

No, he's actually sick.

Okay, alright. I hope he gets well.

And... I cut the call. I didn't want to listen any further. She thought I didn't want to meet her. I knew it from the way she spoke. Come on! Just because it's been years, doesn't mean I forgot how she is. Though, I dont blame her for that. I sorta abandoned her, AND I regret it. I really do! I had to make a choice. But I should've told her about what it was. I loved her, I still do, which is why I haven't married anyone (yet, shh). But she had the right to know, from me. Not from a third person 

My hands started to shiver and my head began to swirl. I couldn't think straight. Okay, maybe I need to calm down. Maybe, its all in my head. I'm fine. Okay, maybe I'm not.. This was the first panic attack I had in months. 

The therapist I had been going to was really helping me deal with shit. But probably, I should've scheduled another appointment this week and let her know what was going on. 

I somehow managed to call up Rhea and words managed to escape out my mouth.

'Could you... come.. back..? I.. need you.'

'Jay? You okay? I'll be there in 10 minutes. Hang in there for that much time. Please.'
She had experienced this before.. About a year back, I had a panic attack at office and she had to come down and bring me back home. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the elder one or she is. She has always been the more responsible and caring one.

Whats up? You need to go home?
I heard through the phone.

Yes, Jiya. Im so sorry. I need to go home. Jay needs me. Could you tell the others while I book a cab?

I have a car. I'll come with you.. You can tell the others while I bring it from the parking. 

Thank you so much.

Within 5 minutes, Jiya's Black Honda was parked near our building. I heard the door unlocking and saw the two of them rush in. I saw a faint glimpse of Jiya getting some water for me behind Rhea, who was now searching for the meds before I passed out. 

I woke up after a few hours, or maybe a few minutes. Im not sure (?)

I saw Rhea talking to my therapist. When she saw I was up, I knew it just from her face that someone was definitely ready for war tonight. 

'You, fucking asshole! Don't you think you should be a little aware of what might trigger you? And the food I left for you, its untouched! A little care to yourself please?'

'Yes, shut up bitch.'

'You're lucky, Im not telling mom any of this.'

I noticed Jiya wasn't around. Rhea might've noticed the look on my face
'She left. She has her flight scheduled for tomorrow. She had to pack.'

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