A Date... Or not?

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I couldn't decide what to say next. I broke her heart then, I was breaking it all over again now. What was I doing?? I had to fix this. 

"I'm sorry. Can we be back to friends?"

"I'd like that."

We slowly got back to how we once were. Not exactly, but somewhat similar. I'd tell her how my day had been, and she'd tell me every single detail about hers. I loved listening to those little details, how her coffee turned out too strong and she ended up with maximum productivity, how her co-worker underestimated her and she proved him wrong by doing just her work and all those little details. 
I slowly started scheduling less therapy sessions. I was enjoying my work again. 

"Wanna meet up again? I wanna make up fo the time you came and couldn't meet everyone."
I typed.. Where was all that confidence even coming from? I started wondering if I was high. Yea, no, definitely not. 

"So, everyone will be there? I thought Rhea went for an office trip to Amsterdam. You told me some time back..?"

"Um, yeah, no. Its gonna be just us."
"Then how is it making up?" she added with a laughing emoji.

"I don't know. Just think it is, alright?" I added with another laughing emoji.

"So, its a date?"
"Maybe, is that bad?"
"Not really. Will pick you up on Saturday. 5pm"

Wait, really? Wow. She accepted it? I was thinking of ways to sound cool if she said no. What was I supposed to do now? I started typing an answer..
"Sure!" Hmm, Too excited maybe?

I finally sent a "Cool. See you Saturday. Goodnight" after much amount of contemplation. 

Saturday, though slowly, arrived. I got up early, making sure I completed all my chores and then got ready. Even though Rhea's my younger sister, I'm scared of her, even if she's in another continent. People find her cute, what they don't know is that there's a real bossy and manipulative lady beneath that short-heighted girl. 

'Somebody woke up with a change.' she remarked. What problem does she have!?? If I do stuff, she taunts me. If I don't, she nags me. What's a guy to do? I was close to cutting the call. We almost stayed on call at all times I was home. She's extremely particular about stuff. She needs the house in the perfect condition

'I won't be at home for some time. I have some work.'

'Oh, alright. Go on.'
I cut the call and went for a bath

Taking a bath, check. Completing chores, check. Looking good but not overdressed, partly checked. One never knows about their own look. And its a fact. 

'Someone's dressed up.' Rhea commented again. Fuck it, I knew. But I didn't want to change my outfit. Picking out something new would take a lot more effort. 

'You have anything better?'
'Show me your closet.'
'Trust me, you dont wanna see it.'

My closet was full of clothes piled up on each other like there was an animal living inside.

15 minutes later, I was dressed in a completely new, not my style outfit. But if I'm being honest, it looked pretty good. Wasn't very, I don't know, Jazzy and Flashy..?  

'Good one, Mehta!' 
'Don't underestimate me. I'm the best designer in my firm.'

Jiya's black honda pulled up in the driveway. I recognized it from the day I had the panic attack episode.
'Alright, I should go. My colleague is here.', I said to Rhea

'Bye! Have fun on your date.'
'Thanks! Wait, what?' Too late, she already cut the call. 

I stepped out the door and was greeted with a compliment.
'Wow, you look nice. Let me guess, the best designer in town helped you?'
'Just because you got it right once.'

'Come on! We're getting late!'
'Where are we going?'
'You'll see!'

And little did I know, I was on my way to the best date ever planned.

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