The man with the plan

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Authors notes: hiya! It's been a while hasn't it?! Golly, I'm sorry that I was gone for so long, but I've been growing up and dealing with stuff, you know how it is... ANYWAYS! This fic will be different from my usual ship stuff, and no, there will not be any annoying orange stuff in this if your wondering, sorry. I wanted to try something... different. If there is any issues with this story, please tell me! Any criticism Is fine!


ANYWAYS! I won't hold you back any longer! Please enjoy the story!

The metallic tunes played in the background, the noises of robots working in harmony, the sound of machinery making every move without falter, the clacks that seem to play in a Rhythmic matter, all of it made the doctor happy.

everything was going according to his plan.

Doctor Ivo Robonik, or eggman as some may call, was a tall man. Shaped like an egg, he had a rather gruffy mustache and wore glasses that gleamed in the light. His high tailed boots clattered against the cold, metal ground as he walked though his base. Two robots floated behind, a box like yellow one Called Cubot, and a more circular robot called orbot.

Orbot spoke

"Sir, if i may?" 

the doctor, with a gleeful grin that seemed to contrast with the mood around him nodded "yes orbot"

this only seemed to make orbot nervous. Should he remind him of his Failure on central city and risk ruining the docs good mood? It seemed that orbot was unsure of what to say. He did lose, right? That is what happened, correct? Before he could play back the audio of only a few hours ago, cubot asked what orbot could not.

"Sir! What's with the smile!? You lost, again!" He threw his arms out, hitting orbot. Orbot pushed him away "watch your arms!" Cubot jumped back by the harsh tone.

They both slowly looked at the doctor again, seeing if they'll be turned into toasters or destroyed completely by bringing back those memories.

Robonik simply grimace, remembering how his last fort of robots were easily destroyed by sonic and those Two rookie girls. How was he suppose to know those raccoons had ice powers? The doctor shook his head, and brought back his big grin. At least he knew now.

"Because, i have a backup plan!" He laughed his hearty, evil laugh. Orbot and Cubot jumped back.

There were silence as they continued their walk. It was the type of silence that Pearce their ears. Orbot spoke once more "um.. sir, what exactly is this new plan?" Cubot jumped in "yea! And how haven't we heard about it!?"

Robotinik glanced behind him. Out of annoyance or excitement, neither robot knew, but he looked away and started "because, i wanted it to be a secret!" He chuckled as he stopped by a door. He punched in a few numbers. The metallic door slid open, allowing the bright blue lights that once hid behind the door, jump out into the hallways. Orbot and Cubots lens took a second to fix itself, but when it did, they both gasped.

Standing only a few feet away from them, was a large portal that glowed a bright blue light. There were wires that plugged into many holes on the walls, and there were scrapped metal that seemed to be thrown to the corners of the room. Notes hung on the walls, scrapped designs and unfinished writing seemed to plaster itself onto the notes. And in the middle of the portal lied 5 of the chaos emeralds that were snugged into pockets, specially fit for them. Two holes seemed empty next to the chaos filled holes.

Orbot and Cubot looked at each other, shrugging when they realized that neither of them knew what this room was. Robotnik walked in, Turning to them with a big smile.

"This is my backup plan!"

Before the two robots could ask what he meant, he smashed a big red button, the portal opening up. Red and green electricity flew into the air, being caught by the rods on the ceilings and being redirected into the portal to better charge it. A portal appeared, and his robots came out with supplies. They held crates that were filled with all sorts of strange flowers and stars. From red to blue, it seemed eggman spent a lot of time picking flowers from this portal. He stopped one of the robots and opened the crate it held and took out a strange looking flower. It held a red and yellow color scheme, its stem being much thicker then the average flower. And the strangest of all? The two Beaty black eyes that stared holes into the two robots.

Cubot and orbot looked both confused. Orbot asked "what's that?" To witch Robonik only said "let me show you. Metal!"

The two robots looked behind to see metal sonic. A shiny, blue robot that was a copy of the hero sonic. He walked in, his red eyes glowing a slight red as he looked at Robonik. "Yes doctor?" It spoke

Dr. Robonik handed over the flower with a big smile "go on metal, use this" metal looked down at the flower. He made a strange robotic noise as an agreement before picking it up and opening his fore arm, putting the flower in a small pocket within the fore arm and letting it close.

Metals arms and legs glowed a bright red, making his metal give off a fire like feel to it. Metal held his hand up, a fire ball appearing above his hand. Metal looked around, his scans looking for a target. His eyes hovered at a beanbag, throwing as hard as he could at it.

The beanbag bursed into flames, leaving nothing but dust behind. Dr. Robonik smiled wildly, jumping from side to side "good job metal!"

Metal nodded, making a small metallic shriek as thanks

Orbot spoke "uh sir... how will this help us? Can't you make this yourself?" Eggman looked at orbot, Straightening himself up. "Yes, that is true" he walked around, thinking to himself "there a few reasons. They aren't as resistant as the zetas or as hard to capture as the wisp. Not to mention they are a much easier and attainable source. Not to mention it saves a lot of existing recourses that could be used for much bigger projects." Metals sonic took the fire flower out, the red glow leaving his circuits. Dr. Robonik started up his evil laugh "with a little modifications and a bit of a redesign with some of the bots, i will have robots that can burn, freeze, electrify, and blow away any enemy in their path" he calmed down a bit, taking out a bright, yellow star "and if things go wrong... we could always use this!" He laughed evilly, the star looking up at him as he did his maniacal laughter. Orbot gulped. He hoped the doc didn't go too over his head this time, or else the anger will be taken out on both him and cubot.

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