Mission gone south

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The Tornado flew above the clouds, phasing in and out of the sky as the clouds hid them.
tails looked down at the ocean, then back at his radar, they were getting closer and closer to the island by the second.

Tails wondered to himself as they flew high into the sky. 'What was Eggman planning? he only has 5 emeralds and is already causing a huge ruckus with them.' It then hit him. Eggman only has five emeralds, and he usually needs all 7 to power his crazy new machines. What kind of crazy experiment was he doing to excrete so much energy?

Tails gulped; this was going to be a hard battle.

He looked down at Seaside Island, riding around until he could find an opening. When he found it, he landed his plane near the mountains on the west side of the islands and into a nearby cave.

Tails jumped off of the plane, everyone following behind right after, and looked down at his device. It made a map of the surrounding area and showed where the emerald energies were coming from.

Tails put up his device and looked at the others, watching as sonic started to stretch. Knuckles and Amy looked around the area to make sure that no one spotted them. When they were sure that they were safe, knuckles looked over and put a thumbs up.

Tails nodded; he was glad that his plane wouldn't deal any massive damage. Not at the moment at least.

Tails walked over to a stretching sonic and spoke

"The energy readings are on the East side of the islands, just about ahead of us."

sonic grinned at the notion. Straight forward, and to the point, that's how he likes it. "Great to hear."

Tails looked over at sonic "so, what exactly are you planning to do?"

Sonic without a second thought said "oh you know, the usual. Get to the place, destroy some robots, get egghead talkin'-"

"And if he doesn't talk?"

"Defeat him"

tails hummed a thoughtful hum. He'd usually be fine with this, but the energies, the speed of this, the overall vibe...
it all felt too quick, like the pattern that Eggman and sonic had seemed to have disappeared.

But before he could spill out his worries, Sonic got into ready position and sped off.

Tails watched as Sonic ran, the sounds of Amy talking something about how sonic should give her a heads up was being drowned out by his thoughts.

Something just felt off.

And he didn't like it.

Tails quickly shook his head and brought himself back to the present. He jumped into the air and started to fly right behind knuckles.

He'll never know the truth if he just stands there.


He watched.

He hid.

He waited.

A black hedgehog, with red streaks hid in the trees, surrounded by the darkness. He watched the robot walk by, stop, look around, then leave.

He counted the seconds between every step







Mario and sonic: dimensional mayhemWhere stories live. Discover now