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okay so if you can hear from my old account TEENB0OKW0RM please know that I will be starting completely over. sorry if it is now very confusing but i have decided that this story needs an ending that only i can give. if you're new here then welcome please call me aqua. As you can tell, I love the water. anyways the only thing i'm keeping is the intro and this...

"Courage doesn't mean you don't get afraid. Courage means you don't let fear stop you". -Bethany Hamilton

The waves are peaceful

crashing against the sand

then meeting in the middle

forming waves

Then "Boom," just like that another


Another loss and another new beginning

With each move more unexpecting and unsuspecting

to when it is going to happen

just when I see the light

smell the flowers

and get used to the new place

I get whisk away to a new one

it's like a curse

since the day I was born

forced to live alone

on my own

So maybe it is a curse?


Something that you are forced to live with until you find a cure. Commonly mentioned in "Fairy tales", by The Brothers Grimm where you are someone else's pawn in a big dramatic plan.

(Like to take over the world)

Thank you for reading and I hope you like this new story I will be writing. Any Recommendations please put them in the comments and if you like it please vote. This is my first time writing a story that is not a Fan-Fiction and completely my own so please roll with me, I will get the hang of this eventuality.

signed aqua

beyond the waves (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now