is you open your mind

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"Welcome everyone, please sit down, so we can begin a roll call," our teacher Mrs. Bell said confidently. We all sat down quietly, still tired. "Okay," Mrs. Bell yelled, clapping her hands together loudly, to wake everyone up. "Today we will be learning about Cells,"she said with excitement lining her voice, unaware of how the whole class rolled their eyes. "Don't we already know this?" A boy, about my age, shouted as kids voiced their agreement. I stayed quiet not wanting to get in trouble like everyone else. "Well then you all will be okay with taking this quiz," she said, effectively shutting everyone up. She grabbed the quizzes and asked a boy named Luke, to pass them out. He finished handing them out and we began.

I handed mine in first and walked back to my desk grabbing a book called, "Cell theory," off the shelf. Pretty soon everyone had handed theirs in and the teacher told us to, "Go grab a textbook, and read section 1-4 on the Cell Membrane". I obeyed, grabbing the text book that had my name tapped on the spine. I went back to my desk and started reading, finishing in 10 minutes.

She handed our tests back out telling us, "now this is just a quiz to tell us what you know so if you got a bad grade, don't worry nothing will go in the grade book". When I got my test back I looked through it happily. I had gotten a good score, I looked up wondering what others had gotten on theirs. Some seemed notably dissatisfied while others seemed to be smirking, like a cat.

"All in all everyone did good though we need to work on reading the questions better and spelling," she announced after we had a minute to check our tests out. "But that's language arts," a Girl said shyly. "Yes indeed that is ELA, but it is still important for Science to know the correct spelling," the girl nodded egarly and understanding.

I looked at the clock, wow the time went by fast, the second period starts in five minutes. "Class is almost over, but don't go yet," Mrs. Bell warned us cheerfully when we started to get ready to leave. "Since today is the first day there will be no homework, but please remember to treat others with kindness, that is your one assignment," she told us, as we got up grabbed our stuff and rushed out of there.

The song verse is from "Legendary," a Disney Channel Song. This song represents how even though you may be just one person fighting for what you belive in is important. It also shows that unique is good. No one is perfect.

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