always had a fear of being typical

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The rest of the day was pretty average, which is how I like it. My whole life has always been different from switching close to every 2 years or less, to never feeling like I was actually me. I had been a little Mrs. Popular, The Nerd, The Shy girl, and The Teacher's Pet. So far I was like a one Woman show of, "High School Musical," without Kenny Ortega to direct me.

After Science I had ELA where we learned about writing news, with Mrs. Lenovo. It was nothing new to me. I had learned about it in my other school. I wish they actually had my academic history. But since I was always playing someone else I never got the chance to have my own personality shine through

Then we had math with Mr. Alexander, which we learned about percentages. The only actual thing needed in life. I could try to calculate what the probability of me switching lives in the next 1-2 weeks is. I haven't switched or disappeared for about a year and a half so I know I will in a while. I always switch before I've been there for 2 years.

Finally it's lunch as I sit down, by myself, some girls who I didn't know walked by. They were chatting about going shopping for makeup, when clearly they didn't need anymore. One girl looked as if her closest had thrown up on her and this is what she ended up looking like. Another might as well have a sign that says look I am a skinny legend, her crop top looked like it could cut off her circulation. Other than that they looked just like all the other stereotypical popular girls.

Noticing I probably looked weird staring at them, I looked down quickly and started eating. Schedule in hand I checked my next class, gym. Only about 2 hours till school is over. Getting up I threw my lunch in the trash, with a sigh. I wish I'd known gym was next, I would've packed a salad not a Sandwich.

The verse is from the song, "Whatever it takes," by Imagine Dragons. I choose this song to portray how many different stereotypes she played. Which is terrible no one should feel that they need to act like someone else to get peoples attention.

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