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I closed my eyes as I landed in the Hidden World. It had been so long since I stepped foot here. Valkaria landed on my left while Zephyr landed with Hayden on my right. Zephyr and I shared a meaningful look full of sadness before turning back to the bustling city before us.

"How am I going to find them in this?" Val lamented, her wings drooping.

I inhaled deeply, freezing completely as I picked up a familiar scent. My sister was here. But how. The gods had said- My blood turned red-hot. They'd lied to me.

I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was. They seemed to enjoy messing with my life.

"What is it, dad?" Zeph asked. Her voice broke me out of my trance, and I rocketed off of the ledge we'd been sitting on.

It wasn't long before I landed at the edge of a training field. My mouth dried as I saw my sister mere feet in front of me. Fireworms stomped through my stomach as I remembered how tense things were between us at the end.

I took a step forward, shifting as I did so. "Delta?" I asked softly. My heartbeat quickened as she stopped cleaning up her materials. I offered a small smile as she turned too face me.

The spears slid from her hands, clattering in the dirt beneath her feet.

I was the first to move. My legs shook with every step I took towards her. She closed the remaining distance, crashing into me. Sobs wracked my body.

"Hiccup? But how?" She shook her head. "Doesn't matter. I'm so so sorry, Hiccup. I was so stupid and selfish and stubborn and-"

"It doesn't matter. Not anymore." She pulled away from the hug, looking me in the eyes while starting to protest. "Delta, it's been a millennia. I'd be wrong to hold a grudge that long." I smiled at her.

"But-" I shook my head, silencing her protests.

Her face suddenly contorted into a frown. "Zephyr?"

I turned around, seeing Zephyr staring at Delta with a slack jaw. I smiled as Zephyr joined our reunion. Tears were shed as they embraced each other while Hayden and Valkaria hung back.

"Delta," I started after our long hug. She pulled away from Zephyr with a smile. "We're looking for Nuffink, Val's brother." I nodded to where Val and Hayden stood behind us. Delta's eyes immediately widened.

"You're alive." Her words were barely more than a breath. Val nodded slowly in response.

"I'm Delta, Hiccup's sister. I've been training your brother for the past three weeks. He's safe. All of your friends are. But-" Delta trailed off, glancing at me and shuffling slightly.

"What? What happened?" Val demanded with wide eyes.

"Your parents are here too." She winced while Val's lips drew back into a grimace.

"Can you take me to my brother?" Delta nodded, her smile returning.

"C'mon!" I chuckled as she took off, not waiting for us to follow.

"You're lucky you even have parents!" Melody snapped at me.

I rolled my eyes while chuckling softly. "Oh yes, so lucky!"

Her jaw tightened before her fist shot towards me. It connected with my chest, causing my lips drew back into a snarl. "You know what, Melody? Your parents cared about you, and that makes you a million times luckier than me! Mine abandoned me! Plus, you think you're sooooo amazing! Guess what! You're nothing more than a bully!"

She snorted. "I'm not a bully! I'm someone who saw wrong in the world, and decided to right it! You're a coward!"

My eyes narrowed. "Oh, yeah?"

"Yes! You run from everything! I've done nothing but fight my whole life and-"

She was cut off by Delta roaring wordlessly in our faces. I winced, taking a step back. She shifted back. "Both of you are on guard duty for the next week," she snarled. I rolled my eyes it wouldn't be so bad. She'd given us worse punishments in the past couple of weeks for fighting.

Melody stared at her feet. "Sorry, Delta," she murmured.

Delta's piercing stare turned to me. I crossed my arms over my chest; I refused to apologize for fighting with that she-devil. "Nuffink," she growled lowly. "Don't make me make it two weeks..."

I rolled my eyes. "Two weeks on guard duty is nothing compared to what you've had us do in the past for fighting," I snapped at her.

"Suit yourself. Two weeks. Maybe then you'll learn your lesson."

I snorted. "And what lesson might that be?"

"That you two need to start getting along because a team needs trust."

I rolled my eyes again. "I wouldn't trust her with my coffee order. And I don't even drink coffee." Delta glanced to Melody, who was sending a glare in my direction.

Delta sighed before glancing just behind me. My eyes widened as I spun around, finding my sister standing in front of me.

My breath lodged in my throat. Tears slipped past my guard, sliding down my cheeks. "Hey, Fink." She took a tentative step towards me. "Can I hug you?" I nodded, making a smile bloom on her face.

"I thought you were dead," I whispered as I rested my head on her shoulder. "I thought I lost you."

"It's okay. I'm here now," she replied, hugging me tighter.

"How did you survive?" I asked in a hushed whisper, pulling away to look at her.

She squeezed her eyes shut. "I- They held me in a cage. It was so cold and there were chains and the food was terrible. But they just wanted to study me."

My fists tightened. Keeping Val in chains was unthinkable. "How dare they keep you in chains?" I snarled.

"It's okay, Fink," she muttered brushing my hair behind my ear.

"Does it make me a bad person to want them to suffer?" I asked quietly so only she heard.

Her face softened. "No, Fink. You could never be a bad person. Just when you care about someone, you care with your whole heart."

I buried my face in her shoulder. "Don't leave me again."


Delta cleared her throat, making me grimace. "Nuffink, I believe you have a job to do." My eyes narrowed.

"I'll see you later, okay?" Val told me.

I sighed. There was no point arguing with Delta. "Okay." I squeezed her tightly one last time before sitting and flying off.

Her grey eyes widened at my words. "They can't be." But she knew I wasn't wrong. I could see their soul after all.


Okay. I just want to apologize for updating so late. I seriously cannot believe I did that. I must've missed the notification I set for myself or something, doesn't matter. I'm so sorry. I'll do my best to stop it from happening again. And sorry this is a really crappy chapter.

Zephyr (March 11), >1000

Hayden (May 17), 23

Valkaria (January 5), 16

Nuffink (January 6), 16

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