Nuffink's Plan

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I took a shuddering breath as I watched Elliott, one of Daniella's cronies, spot me. I pretended not to notice as he started following me through the halls of the school.

I clutched the note in my pocket as I headed towards my friend's locker.

'Please don't be there. Please don't be there,' I begged whatever gods were listening.

I rounded the corner and nearly let out a sigh of relief or disappointment, I couldn't be sure, as I saw that April was nowhere in sight. I lingered at her locker for a minute or two while searching for her. I forced myself frown as I stuck the note inside her locker, purposefully leaving a bit sticking out for Elliott to pick up.

My heart was pounding as I walked away.

I glanced back in time to see Elliott's smile fade as he read the note. He turned away, back to April's locker. His eyes shifted through the crowd, spotting his buddy, Daniella walking towards him. Daniella's grin made me more than a little nauseous as she read the note.

I was in so much trouble. I could still back out... I shoved the thought down the second it appeared. I was doing this for Val.

My heart refused to settle as I sat down in my morning class. I hardly took in the lesson as I tried to keep my breathing even, my leg bouncing throughout the entire period. I had barely slept last night, and I was unlikely to get any tonight.

As the bell rang, signalling the end of the school day, I couldn't help thinking, 'thus, it begins.'


I took in breath after breath as I walked through the hallways.

"Nuffink!" I turned in time for April to run into my arms.

"April," I stated, flatly.

"Guess what!" she shouted, she brushed her brown hair out of her face.

I forced a fake smile on my face, "what?" To me, my enthusiasm sounded hollow, but she didn't pick up on it.

"I made it! I'm going to sing for the end of the school assembly!" Her emerald eyes shone, a stark contrast from her black band shirt.

My smile turned genuine as I focused on April's success and not what would happen later. "That's great!"

She gave me a pouty face, immediately making me roll my eyes. "Fink? Please?" she asked, using her nickname for me.

She pushed off of the locker beside mine, still crouching whatever music books she needed for practice. "I already said no," I told her as I stuffed whatever books I didn't need in my locker.

"But, you have to! You are literally the best actor in the entire school!" Her pout deepened.

I closed my eyes as I replied, "No. I don't want to perform for the school, plus Val wouldn't let me anyway."

"Please!" she begged me.

"How about this? I'll perform a skit for you, but I'm not gonna do it in front of the whole school? And if I do that, then you gotta stop asking me."

"Fine!" I glanced around and saw Elliott watching me. A shiver ran down my spine as I remembered what would go down tonight. Our eyes locked. His eyes darted from side to side before turning his gaze back to mine.

He mouthed something at me. The same words over and over, causing my frown to deepen.

"Fink? Fink! Hello! Anyone there!" April waved her hands in front of my face, and I startled. I glanced at her, but by the time I looked back at Elliott, he was gone.

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