Hospital Visit

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I told you so. The words rang in my head as I as I tended to Nuffink's many wounds. So many. Too many.

His tormentors had run off, dragging the one I had knocked unconscious with them.

"C'mon, Nuffink. I can't lose you, too," I begged, tears already staining my face. His shirt was in shreds on the ground. They must have torn it apart.

The flashing lights were blinding as the ambulance and police arrived down the path to the clearing we were in.

"Over here!" I called them as I stood up and waved them down.

"What's wrong? You didn't have t-" the doctor said.

"It isn't for me, imbecile! It's for my brother!" I pointed to Nuffink.

Their eyes widened as they saw the extent of the damage.

Directions passed amongst them faster than I could comprehend. A stretcher was brought over to him by the paramedics while the police started interrogating me.

"C'mon. I'll take you back to your parents." A police officer gently grabbed my arm and pulled me towards their car. I snarled, yanking my arm from their grasp before rushing back over to Nuffink.

"No!" I shouted, my eyes darting between them and my brother. "My parents are dead. I'm staying with him," my voice left no room for argument as I gathered his shirt and my phone. I stepped into the ambulance beside him without waiting for permission. The police officer protested but luckily the paramedics stopped them from approaching me again.

I watched the paramedics work quickly and efficiently as I chewed my lip. I wiped the tears from my eyes and called Kieran as we drove to the hospital.

"Val? It's like 1:00 in the morning... Why are there sirens?" he asked groggily after my third attempt.

"I need you and your mom to come and meet Nuffink and me at the hospital," I said cutting him off.

"What? Why?" he said, suddenly wide awake.

"I'll explain later," I replied before hanging up.


Kieran and his mom arrived ten minutes after the ambulance. They found me in the waiting room hugging my knees.

"Val! What happened! Are you okay?" Kieran asked and ran up to me, engulfing me in a tight hug.

"They just took him into surgery," I replied quietly.

"What happened, Val?" Kieran's eyes scanned my face for any sign of injury.

"Th-they... tortured him," I replied softly.

His eyes widened. "I-I only saw the end, and he had so many cuts and bruises. His arm was broken and so was his nose and they smashed his fingers. And..." I couldn't finish the thought.

"And what, Val?"

"And... When I showed up... He smiled. He smiled at me." I said the word so quietly that no one else could hear.

He didn't get a chance to answer as the doctor came out. "Ms. Haddock?"

"Yes?" He blinked as I stood up.

"Where's his mother? Father?"

"I'm the only living relative he has left," I replied smoothly as I dusted off my pants. Trying to hide the undercurrent of anger and guilt.

"Very well. In that case, come with me."

I followed the doctor to the room that held Nuffink.

"How is he?" I asked, worriedly.

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