Repairing hearts

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Jentzen's POV:

It's been a week already and I haven't seen Lev or Piper. I know I shouldn't be mad at piper, but I just can't handle it. I can barely handle not seeing Lev all the time.

I got a text. I thought it was Lev, but when I looked at my phone, I saw Elliana's name. I was very surprised. After our break-up we never really talked after that. I mean we talked whenever we hang out with the squad, but never anywhere else. When I opened the text I read.


Elliana: Hey Jentzen. I wanted to check up on you.

Me: I'm fine.

Elliana: are u sure? Cause last time I saw you, you were running out of Piper's house and arguing with Lev.

Me: can we meet up? I'll tell you what happened in person

Elliana: ok where should we meet up?

Me: Is it ok, if you can meet up at my house?

Elliana: yeah that's fine

End of conversation.

About 15 minutes later, Elliana rang the door bell. I saw Elliana in her blue jeans and a bright red crop top I came outside with her so we could walk down the sidewalk. We walked for about 5 minutes until Elliana broke the silence.

Elliana questioned, "Sooo, what's been going on with you and Lev?" I responded, "ummm, so you know I told you I was gay, right?" "Yeah, I remember." Elliana said. "Well umm I knew I was gay because of umm because of Lev." "Ohh, and Lev likes you too?" Elliana added. "Yeah, and that fight was because I caught him and Piper kissing and cuddling. Even though he knew we were in a relationship" I agreed. "Have you talked to him since?" Elliana asked. "No, Lev has tried to talk to me, but I ignored him." I answered. "Do you still love him?" Elliana questioned. "Well yeah, but why should I trust him. He still won't break up with Piper." I spoke. "Umm, Jentzen?" Elliana asked. "Yeah?" I said with a confused face. "Lev broke up with Piper like two days ago." Elliana revealed. "Wait what!?" I shouted. "Yeah, I went to pipers yesterday and she told me, that Lev said that he found someone else and couldn't be with her anymore." Elliana explained.

I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. Lev broke up with Piper for me. I had to see him. I needed to see him. "I need to go see him." I spoke. "Go see him. I'll be fine." Elliana agreed. I ran as fast as I could. I could barely think. Lev still loved me. Lev still wanted me. Lev still misses me. I was running so fast I got there within 5 minutes.

I slowed down to catch my breath. I stood there in front of his house. I hadn't seen Lev for like 2 weeks. How would he react? Does he even miss me? Did he move on already? Maybe I was just over reacting? Maybe he doesn't even love me anymore? I was about to walk away until I saw him. I stood there looking at him. He seemed like he had no sleep. I walked towards him.

I was admiring his blond fluffy hair with his blue ocean eyes. Then I hugged him. Felt like he needed it. He hugged back tightly. Maybe he did miss me. We stood there hugging. Which felt like an eternity, but I didn't mind. I wanted him and I can't just ignore that. I started to let go. He did the same. I spoke, "so you broke up with Piper." "Yeah, I didn't want to lose you. I love you." Lev said. "I know you probably hate me and you probably don't love me anymore. I get it. I'll leave you alone if you want." Lev said while looking down, trying not to make eye contact. "Hey, look at me. I said softly. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. I looked at him for a moment and kissed his soft, pink, luscious lips. He kissed back. We backed away after about 15 seconds. I spoke without losing eye contact, "I love you too. I never lost love for you." Lev smiled.

Lev's POV:

I couldn't handle it anymore. I walked down to Piper's house and told her I couldn't be with her anymore. It was hurting the person I love the most. It felt good to break up with her. I know it probably won't change a thing with me and Jentzen, but I still needed to do it. The next day I had no motivation to do anything.

My mom forced me to do something else except being in my bed all day. I decided to go for a walk, but as I came outside. I saw him. I saw a brunette, freckled boy, I loved. He was about to walk away until he saw me. We stood there for a moment. He started to walk towards me. We stood there looking at each other. He had blue jeans on with a green plain shirt. He looked good in green. I admired each freckle on his face and his dark fluffy brown hair. He looked cute. I started to feel myself heat up. He then hugged me. I needed a hug, especially from Jentzen.

He let go and I did too. I knew he probably didn't want me. So I told him I would leave him alone, but he did something I would never have thought he would do ever again. He kissed me. I kissed him right back almost immediately. When we stepped back I had a huge smile on my face. This time I didn't hide it. I wanted him to know I love him, that I want him, that I'm happy with him, and that I missed him. I was never more happier in my entire life.

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