Nerves to butterflies

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Lev's POV:

It's been a few weeks and Jentzen and I are now officially together and now the squad knows, accept for Piper. After our break up, Piper hasn't talked to me since. When we invite Piper to hang out she always has an excuse. I mean I don't mind it, it's just that I wanted to still be friends with her. I don't know if she even knows about me and Jentzen.
I couldn't just let this go and just assume what's wrong. I needed to know what happened.

A few days later, this thought kept coming up over and over again. I couldn't let it go. I wanted to ask Jentzen first about it. I didn't want to lose his trust again and just go for it. I texted Jentzen.


Me: Hey Jentzen, are u busy?

Jentzen: Nah, just chilling. Why?

Me: could you come over?

Jentzen: yeah sure. Is everything ok?

Me: Yeah, just come over and I'll tell you when ur here

Jentzen: kk, I'll be there in like 10 minutes

Me: k

End on conversation.

Jentzen's POV:

Lev was acting weird. It seemed like he really needed to talk. Liana drove me to his house. When I got there I became nervous. What did he need to talk about? Why was he acting weird? Was it bad news? I couldn't stop thinking. I got out of the car and walked into Lev's house.

Lev was in the living room waiting for me. I gave him a peck on his cheek and asked, "What's wrong?" " I wanted to see your opinion on this." Lev spoke. "Um ok, what is it?" I questioned. " it goes. So, y'know Piper doesn't hang out with us much anymore." Lev said. "Yeah I know." I responded. "Well I wanted to know why and wanted to see her and ask her. But I didn't want go unless you would agree with it." Lev explained. "Ok, you can go." I confirmed. "Really?" Lev said with confused face. "Yeah, it's no problem, but I'm coming with." I said. "Well obviously, You think I was gonna do this alone." Lev responded. I chuckled. "Of course not. So when are you thinking to go?" I asked. "Umm...I don't know. I haven't really thought that far." Lev responded. "Well we can go somewhere this week." I suggested. "Ok. How about Friday then." Lev answered. "Yeah I could go Friday. I just have something to do in the morning. So how about 3:00." I asked. "Yeah that's fine." Lev agreed.

Lev's POV:

This week was slow, but now it's Friday and I am so nervous. It's a good thing Jentzen's going. Or else I'd probably cancel it and stay home.
I texted Jentzen around 2:30 if he was still free


Me: Hi, my love ❤️

Jentzen: Hey ❤️

Me: you still free for Piper's?

Jentzen: yep getting ready right now

Me: kk can we meet at your place first?

Jentzen: yeah that's ok

Me: ok see you in like 20 min

Jentzen: kk

20 minutes pass and I'm heading to Jentzen's house. I feel like I'm about to throw up. Like I'm about to see my ex girlfriend, that I haven't seen for over 2 months.

I arrived at Jentzen's house and all my nerves went away. I walked up to Jentzen's door and knocked. I was waiting patiently and then Jentzen opened the door. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. I felt calm again. I had a huge smile on my face. Jentzen asked, "what're you smiling about?" "You just know how to calm down my nerves that's all." I admitted. I knew I gave Jentzen butterflies cause now he had a huge smile on his face and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He took me to his room to wait until it was time to go. We laid down on his bed. I stared right into Jentzen's chocolate brown eyes. Jentzen looked right back. I started to feel hot and got butterflies. Jentzen smirked. "Now, what are you smiling about." I asked with a sarcastic tone. "I just like to see the affect I have on you." Jentzen spoke. "Ugh, shut up." I said jokingly, while losing eye contact.
Jentzen giggled.

I turned to look up to the ceiling. I said, "Can we just stay here forever." "We can always go another day, y'know." Jentzen suggested. "Yes, I just want to stay here with you forever." I said. "Forever?" Jentzen asked. "Forever."

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