chapter three: getting into the law of attraction

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for many people, this is where we start off with manifesting. the law of attraction is a great thing for beginners to start with and i find the law to actually be very logical! i learned about the law of attraction at a young age but i never knew what it was called until i did my research. personally, i believe many parts of the law of attraction but i prefer the law of assumption, which i'll explain in chapter three.

if you want to get into the law of attraction then power to you! it's a great place to start and i recommend learning about this law before you try to manifest. a great movie to watch about this is called "the secret". it's an amazing documentary/movie and i've watched it countless times. the secret is something i'll always recommend to people interested in manifesting, it explains everything so well and it really opened my eyes!

one thing i don't like about the law of attraction is the negative attracting part. although i do believe if you only think negatively of yourself and everyone around you that you'll be surrounded by negativity, i don't think it's fair to always blame the person for any negative things they experience. just because someone isn't doing well mentally or has a bad self-concept (we'll get into self-concept in the future, don't worry everyone) that doesn't mean they're purposely attracting these things? especially how some people in that community believe that when we came to earth we chose everything that's happened here to happen to us. why would any of us choose abuse and trauma? for the lessons? for the pain and suffering? no. not me that's for sure.

another thing i dislike about the law of attraction is how it makes me feel like i'm putting my power into someone else's hands. the whole idea of waiting to attract what you want bores me. i know my worth and my power. i can manifest something instantly or overnight. i don't need to wait for anything or anyone. if you don't have much confidence in yourself and your manifesting abilities (hence why this is a great start for newbies!) then definitely go for the law of attraction. but for me, i'm in a place in my life where i'd rather work with the law of assumption. also, the law of attraction is great for if you're religious because you can believe that your god is going to give you what you want to attract. but as we get into this book, i think you'll soon realize that you already have SO much power deep inside of you!

MANIFEST: a guide to the law of attraction & assumptionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon