chapter five: getting into the law of assumption

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the law of assumption is an incredible state of mind. once i started practicing the law of assumption, it was a game changer for me. if you're wondering how to use the law of assumption, it's extremely simple. all you have to do is act and believe that everything you desire has already been fulfilled. every goal has already been achieved. one thing you should definitely do once you start practicing the law of assumption is shadow work or meditation. this entire method is based on believing you already have something, and that can be extremely hard if you don't see it in your reality as of right now. it's difficult to believe that you're with your sp (specific person) when they're dating another person or won't talk to you. it can also be difficult to believe that you already have your desired body when you're still at your current weight. i know it can be frustrating, but patience and clearing your mind is KEY!

to start, write or think about your desire. maybe even say it out loud. just for a little bit, think about your desire. the item, the person, the word itself. anything. just let that desire linger in your head for a little bit. if any limiting thoughts come to mind, it's time to meditate or do some shadow work. we need to remove these old assumptions and get rid of any limitations.

(for example; if you're manifesting longer hair and your thoughts still remind you of how short your hair currently is that would be an old assumption you need to clear out)

if you're struggling with getting rid of these thoughts, (sometimes they can even be insults from people in the past or things you were conditioned to believe, i'll get into this in ANOTHER future post) i recommend writing them down and going through them. here's an example:

the thought: you're so ugly. you're so unattractive, you look terrible in pictures and in real life.

now it's time to break this thought down. where is it coming from? has someone said this to you in the past? do you feel like you look terrible in pictures? do you use lots of filters and feel insecure in real life without them?

this can be really hard to work through, hence why it's shadow work. it can especially be hard if they're things said to you in the past or stem from trauma. remember that shadow work will never replace actual therapy and to reach out to professionals if needed.

finally it's time to work through these old assumptions. think of your old thought and rewrite the situation. if it was something said by someone in the past, imagine that they're saying something much more positive. or, just simply state the thought as false and outdated.

the response: not true, i've always been attractive my entire life. i'm extremely photogenic and i'm constantly complimented on my beauty in real life.

and BOOM! you just tackled an old assumption. this is why i mostly recommend this law for people who are more on the intermediate side or who are okay with tapping into their shadows. it's so exhausting to feel like these disgusting thoughts are following you everywhere, but you don't have to feel that way. at the end of the day, these thoughts will only have control over you if you let them. you are worth so much more than any negative assumption or limitation following you around.

i hope this explained the law of assumption pretty well! more chapters will be coming soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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