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Monday at school, Anna did what she could to fly under the radar. She'd made herself into exactly what she didn't want to be at the party and regretted it terribly. While normally she may be thrilled that lots of people know her name after one week at a new school, this was not the way she'd hoped to get there. Anna had a reputation for being laid back and reserved, unless in a group of close friends, at her old school. Making the jump from that to being in the party girl limelight was jarring. She knew Lisa was well liked for her degree of promiscuity, but she did not foresee that affecting her own popularity so quickly. She beat herself up for allowing her image to be distorted before she could really even create one. She tried to remind herself that within a week no one will remember, but that was a week she had to live through the awkward comments and glares knowing what people might be thinking or saying about her.

Anna walked into chemistry class, already exhausted. The day really hadn't been bad, she was just using excessive amounts of mental and emotional energy worrying about what others were thinking. Aside from a handful of girls who were at the party passing silent judgement, Anna was the only critic really beating her down.

Paul winked at Anna as she passed by him on her way to her seat in the back. She quickly looked away, pretending to not have noticed. She made eye contact with Lisa, who looked pleased to see her and got up to meet her at her seat.

"She lives!" Lisa says gleefully. Anna smiled weakly and nodded, setting her books down. "Although you do still look like you're hungover... what's up?"

"I'm okay, I'm just tired. Didn't get good rest last night." Anna didn't have the heart to tell her the truth. She really did like Lisa. Anna remembered Lisa's body chain she'd worn and pulled it out of her backpack to give back. "Thank's for letting me borrow this."

"Sure thing, girly, anytime." Lisa smiled, searching Anna's face. Anna could tell Lisa was sensing something, but the teacher began class and Lisa returned to her seat. Anna told herself she would do something with Lisa soon to reassure her, but she needed to take time to figure herself out first.

As Anna was putting books away in her locker, she decided the lunchroom was not where she wanted to be today. Even though the perceived danger was worse than the actual danger, Anna didn't want to put herself through it. She cursed herself for not bringing her own lunch that she could eat in an empty classroom and walked toward the cafeteria.

"Hey! Anna!" Anna heard someone call after her as she neared the lunch line. She turned to see Mo jogging up to her. She smiled genuinely for the first time that day and waved. "I'm leaving to go to Starbucks, wanna join?"

"Yeah, I'll come." Anna felt relieved that she didn't have to go near the lunchroom, but that was overshadowed by the jumping feeling in her stomach at Mo inviting her out. She told herself it was innocent as she followed Mo back down the Hallway.

"I took Zeke's advice, I'm gonna pick up a drink for Sophie. I caught her in the hall earlier and asked her about her favorite drink." Mo said as they got into his car. Anna didn't show it, but the jumping in her stomach quickly became a sinking. "I figured you wanted to get away, though."

Anna's feelings became more conflicted at that. He was thinking of her, caring about her, but also showing more outward interest in Sophie. The friendliness boundary was becoming blurry. Couldn't he have asked Sophie to go with him? Did it mean more that he asked Anna to go with him? She was overthinking. Friends can care about each other. He recognized that she wasn't having a good day and invited her to go with him. That's it.

"That's sweet of you." Anna sighed. "I'm sure she'll like that."

"And you, too. I'll get you something, too." Mo said, glancing at Anna. She smiled at him and nodded, nudging his arm as a thank you. He let a breath go he didn't realize he was holding. The truth was he didn't know why he was getting Sophie a drink. He'd been thinking all day about asking Anna to go with him and not about making the move on Sophie. He just felt like he needed an excuse to ask Anna, even if he didn't fully realize. He shook off the nerves and looked at Anna again, who had her head leaned against the window looking drained. "Day going worse than expected?"

"No, actually. I think I've just worn myself out thinking." Anna laughed lightly. "I really did not want to face the lunch room though. That felt like it was going to be a lawless jungle. Thanks for getting me out."

"Yeah. I thought about it last night after we did homework together. You seemed worried about what people would think at school, so..." Mo wanted to say he'd come up with the plan to take her to coffee before thinking about Sophie, but he left the sentence unfinished. He didn't know how Anna was feeling, and he presumed she was still embarrassed in front of him even though he told her not to worry.

Mo went through the Starbucks drive through and bought Anna and Sophie's drinks. Anna welcomed the caffeine of her iced macchiato into her body with open arms. If there was ever a time she needed the boost, it was now. She thanked Mo with a smile without letting the drink leave her lips. On the way back to school they listened to music and Anna made fun of Mo for opting to eat nothing but his pink Starbucks cake pop for lunch. He fired back, reminding her she's having nothing but coffee flavored milk. She laughed at that because it was true.

When they arrived back at the school they spent the remainder of lunch sitting in the car, just talking. As the lunch period neared it's end, Anna reminded Mo that he should get Sophie her drink before class. They walked into the school together and Mo spotted Sophie at her locker. Anna stopped, letting Mo have his space. Mo took a few steps and looked back at Anna.

"Hang in there." He smiled and nodded at her, reassuring her. She smiled wide and waved her hand, shooing him to present Sophie with her drink. Anna felt normal for the first time that day, not worrying about what Mo thought, or anyone else. It was a rising warmth that told her it was going to be okay.



Hi!! Sorry updates have slowed down, I quit my job and forgot I have to be an adult and find a new one (cue hysterical crying). My focus has been offffff but I'm still here, still going! TYSM for all your reads, votes, comments as always! Appreciate you all so much!

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