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"Please? I swear I wound NEVER ask you to do any favour for me anymore, huh?"

「That's a lie」

'How annoying' ZiYu thought. She's clearly frustrated at how Yuan is acting right now.

Childish, selfish and stupid. Absolutely ridiculous

Out of nowhere- Wang Yuan literally just asked if ZiYu can watch him practice his singing 'performance' he prepared for his sweet, precious TianYing:)

The nerve of this boy. She could really kick him where his light doesn't shine right now but she wanted him to live and committing a crime because of emotional distress never ends well no matter what

Wang Yuan has been chasing Ao ZiYu around ever since they left their house to go to the school- with his guitar.

ZiYu brought him that guitar on his fifteenth birthday. She saved up one full year her monthly allowance just to get him his dream guitar. It's a classic Acoustic black guitar. He'll strum it whenever he could just so he won't forget the notes he practiced

It's his now, he can do whatever with it but- ugh

「He shall be the reason for the teardrops on ZiYu's guitar」 and Ao ZiYu doesn't even have a guitar

And what do you expect ZiYu to do? Happily help him despite the fact that she knew he's doing this for SOMEONE else?


Double ouch?

ZiYu so fed up right now that she is this close🤏🏻 to just choke this boy to his neverending death "Wang Yuan I swear if you don't stop now"

"I just wanted to practice..." And now he has his pitiful expression on. That expression of his made a bunch of people fell into guilt pit and eventually gave in to fulfil whatever his request is

「He might or might not acknowledge that」

But ZiYu's not gonna give in this time, especially with such request "Then practice with someone else or alone, no need to boast your voice to the whole world" she spat

She's totally not in the mood to entertain his hopeless romantic ass

ZiYu purposely walk faster so she could reach their classroom as soon as she can. Yuan was so deep in his thoughts he didn't realize how far she is now

"But your opinion is accurate!" He yelled while trying to catch up with her. The strap of the guitar kept slipping off his broad shoulders as he struggled on keeping it around his neck

ZiYu rolled her eyes at his words. It is only accurate when needed on important stuffs. This idea of his is not important to her AT ALL

"If you're doing this for her then my opinion surely doesn't matter" she grouched

Yuan pulled her arms, stopping the both of them from their tracks. ZiYu purposely avoid any eye contact as his was desperately looking for hers

"Tch why are you like this" he questioned. Yuan kinda noticed that ZiYu doesn't seem like herself these past few days, he wondered why

And in case you're also wondering why; Yuan has been taking TianYing out on dates a n y t i m e he can. And whenever he speak, it always gotta be about her. ZiYu planned this 'study time' they were supposed to have last weekend

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