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Yuan felt ridiculed, his face is all scrunched up in confusion "What did I even do to you? Friends don't treat each other like shit you just because they're having a bad day you know" he is not gonna tolerate this type of behavior from her, especially since he was pretty darn sure he didn't do anything to upset her,  intentionally or not

"And FRIENDS don't forget each other that easily, just because they have, I don't know, chicks"

Yuan took his time to  process the meaning behind ZiYu's words. He furrowed his brows specifically on the last sentence "What are you talking about" he demanded for her to answer

ZiYu is losing control of herself. It felt like the wall she created is crumbling down bits by bits, her emotions were scrattering everywhere and she's not even sure what she's feeling anymore. It's a little too much to call it numb, and she's usually very open with her feelings to Yuan- other than her feelings for him of course, otherwise this wouldn't have happened

He's literally having a direct pass on her emotions right now, and that's just not fair isn't it? It's like a book he added to his library but didn't get the time to read, so he could just finish where he left off and continued with the next chapter without having to wait for the next updates from the author

ZiYu looked like she had lost some screws in her and she tried to cover her rage by acting all stupid, something she ironcally hated to do "Oh don't mind me now, just pretend I don't exist as usual. You're really good at doing that. Like, not visiting me at the hospital or at home when we literally live right next to each other is a great example"

Yuan thought that that's the reason as to why  ZiYu's acting this way to him,
"What? Wait look, I wanted to visit you too but TianYing-"

"OF COURSE! She's the only valid reason isn't she?" ZiYu cut him off as he was trying to explain himself. He's really dumbfounded and confused right now

Was he wrong for talking care of his poor, sick girlfriend? He thought that's the least he could do for her? She has no one else around her, so naturally he wants to be with her all the time so she wont feel as lonely as she used to. TianYing have him now after all

"No you don't understand, she was in pain!" Yuan defended himself, and his girlfriend. He seriously don't get why she's acting this way. He thought ZiYu was purposely picking on TianYing, for whatever reason he would like to find out himself. He also thought she'll be more considerate and understanding especially around that time since she knew what if felt like

"I was in pain too!" ZiYu screamed. Her whole body shaking and she couldn't hold herself from crying anymore. She thought she's already somewhere in the middle of her moving on progress, but all those feelings she tried so hard to get rid of just came slapping her all over again

Yuan had never seen ZiYu this unstable before, she looked like an absolute wreck. He didn't know what to do, he didn't want to make her feel worse, and he thought keeping his mouth shut and letting her finish what she had to say is the best move to do, he did exactly just that

The both of them went silent and just, stood there. ZiYu regained her breath from all that sobbing and decided to just let it all out. She already created this whole mess, so it'll only made sense that she did, and she'll deal with the consequences after. She's not in the right mind to decide on anything for now either anyway

"Did you ever try, or even think of contacting me Yuan? Have you ever thought like 'Oh my so called best friend is sick, I can't visit her but I'll send her a message to ask' because I was in pain too damnit!" her voice were cracking so much since she was crying, hard, but she made sure to speak clearly because there is no way she can repeat herself in this mess

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