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Yuan made himself comfortable and sat on the plastic chairs him and his new mates each gathered on the rooftop, lining them side by side and facing the railing.

Yuan blankly stared at the star filled night sky, Deja Vu hitting his whole presence because of how familiar the atmosphere is

The amount of excitement surrounding gloomy Yuan doesn't make him look well blended with his peers as they waited for the fireworks to blast in the sky with pure hopes for their new beginning_ a new chapter of life- you know, that subtle "new year new me" mood- that'll wash away after a solid week, but I'll give it two max

Shivers running down Yuan's figure despite the thick layers he had thrown on himself before heading out-  the tip of his nose and ears had turned red from the extremely freezing breeze that it aches so much, his disheveled hair is flailing wildly on his head. He's enjoying his healthy roots privilege because if not, his hair would probably fly everywhere like the stray cats fur that he couldn't resist petting if he saw any in the hallway to his class

It's freezing, as expected from a new year's eve night, just like how Yuan had memorized the familiar weather all too well because of his self made tradition.

He'll ran up to the rooftop of his house to watch the beautiful colours of fireworks blooming in the sky right after his family dinner

He had mentioned this ‘tradition’ of his new friends like a few weeks before, and that gave them a lightbulb moment- well specifically Yang XiaoXing, Yuan's senior and next door dorm mate

Throughout their semester, Yuan's new friends (and roommates from college) had always assumed that the reason for Yuan's 'sadness' is because of the fact that he's homesick, and they thought that maybe doing his rooftop+fireworks tradition might help him ease the longing slightly.

They aware of the fact that nothing could beat the warmth comfort of home, but they at least want to try making their buddy feel better-  they wanted to do this as discreet as possible, but Yuan caught up to it pretty fast, sheepishly thanking his friends for their tooth-rotting thoughtfulness

He appreciates them, he really does.

But he was never really homesick- there's nothing much to miss about anyways, he was always alone before too.

Yuan couldn't help but to feel nostalgic as memories started flooding his mind- from the familiar smell of his mother's rare home cooked dinner, and his dad would flip through the channel while sipping on his wine until he fell asleep on the couch 40minutes in, and the way the freezing breeze would greet him as soon as he pushed the door to the rooftop, the same star filled dark sky was the first thing that came into his view when he arrived, and how he'll  immediately call out to-


Ah, maybe that's why he kept feeling like something is missing despite such simple preparation

Ao ZiYu, one of the missing last piece

He'll either yell across his and her rooftop to catch her attention if he's lazy to go back to his room to get his cellphone or, she's already waiting for him on the other side, same thrilling anticipation bubbling in her as they waited for the fireworks to blast in the sky while they do the countdown together

ZiYu could've go to Yuan's house and watch the fireworks together, but she's stuck with 'daughter duty' to leave the house in case her mom might need her help with something, and her dad advised to not interrupt Yuan and his parent's quality time as they knew how packed the Wang couple schedule is on regular days. But ZiYu and Yuan pretty much consider each other as family already, so they came up with this idea so they can spend time together regardless- they firgure this is better than nothing

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