7. Deep Thoughts...

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----- Third Person POV ------

After the class, Killua and (y/n) didn't talk to each other, they don't even look at each other. They each go in a different way. Sometime, maybe, sometime they gave each other glares.

Later that night, when the two of them are in their bed. No one could sleep, thoughts keep coming over them.

------ (y/n) POV -------

"How can it be?"  I murmured, trying to sleep, but I can't.

Usui said that I have to revenged, I determined to revenge, I desired to revenge, my only wish was to revenge. But, all other than that, the only reason that I keep the hatred in my heart until now was only because... Usui said that he was going to harm Misa, that was the only thing that I am worried about.

No one had been that nice to me since I was little. To be honest, not even my parent. When I tripped and fell, no one lifted me up. When I cried, no one came to soothe my pain. I have lived my entire childhood alone, even before the rumor. No one liked to play with me because I am the creepy nerd who sat at the corner of the class.

No one have been nice to me, except him and Misa

I recall that skit that me and Kiri was pulling to sue Risella,I have never experience such things called "happy and fun" ever. But, still, Kiri was Killua, and Killua made me what I am right now. A person that looks like an daydream angel, an innocent girl with a heart made of gold. but, inside of me, I am a demon with burning flame of hatred and revenge

But, for once in my life, Kiri gave me hapiness that I have never experience before, or at least, he gave me a friend, himself.

"I am a girl afterall" I thought, "And girls are one of the most devious creature in the world, keeping a knife in my boots maybe helping a lot. From now on, I will be Killua's best friend. Usui did said, if I want to revenge, bait him for love if I have to."

I can finally rest

--------- Killua's POV ----------

After saying goognight to Alluka down in her "cage". I went to bed.

My mind started to race, I started to think about (y/n).

"So (y/n) was The Prey" he sighed, " I have never felt anyone so special like her, except Alluka..."

I have never been so close to any girl like that. What is this feeling?

Everyone thought that I was so lucky to be the son of a successful assassin, to be rich and handsome and charming. But, nobody knows, beside all of that, my life was like hell...

Rumors said that i am very happy with a family like this. No, you people are all wrong. I have never ever in my life to know what is being loved, what is being kind and what is being... cared.

(y/n) had gave me almost all of those thing. She cared, she had been kinded, but love, I doubted it.

My parent killed her parent, leave her alone with her brother and sister for not long. They hired her brother to become our new butler, he died with absolutely no sign. I am investigating this and have found the half of the mystery. But then, they called me. Mother and Father had asked me to finish the last member of the Yukimura. I never disobey their bidding, but, I have never accomplished their bidding. Until now, they promised me money, golds and fames if I kill the last member of the Yukimura. I don't wnat to do it.

Why? How could a person denied moneys and fames?

Simple, because their package doesn't include love.

People desired fames, desired beauty. My simple desire was to be loved and cared.

"I should investigate some more"  I mumbled, " For she was somehow special to me. She showed me kindness, she showed me laughter, she showed me caring, maybe, she can show mw what is love later on..."

My deep thoughts helped me to fell asleep


Thank you so much guys for the supports that you guys are giving me (~-~)

Maybe, (only maybe), I will have a Q&A  Chapter (if I have enough questions), since what I wrote may be very very confusing.


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