8. Meet My Friend...

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------- (y/n) POV -------

I have decided to stay as Killua's friend, to wait for the chance... The only thing is that... He seemed shock when he saw my name.

Wait! Does he knew that I am going to revenge. Usui did said that he would kill Misa... I don't really know, I will just have to be careful when he is around...

Yikes... He was right there, staring me in a very... friendly way. What?

"Hi (y/n)," he said, while waving to me. I can't keep my cheeks normal, it keep blushing. Because, now, everyone is whispering and give each other looks. They are pointing at me and Killua. They are gossiping. The thing that I hated the most.

I swiftly run directly to him and pull him away. He looks really surprised.

"What was that about," I blushed, while talking to him at the playground, " You made me shocked". Yep, the playground.

"Well, I have been waving for a long time and you are not answering me, my hands are tired, so..." he answered, " I called out your name, and it worked," he scrath his head. Sometimes, he is sooo childish.

"So what are you calling me for?" I asked him, " I want you to meet my friends,"

Great, stay undercover, be hidden, my plan all blew up

"Sure," I answered, trying to fake being happy and tried to be sincered at the same time, " It would be great fun!" I looked at my clock, and shocked.

"Holy gooseneck," I ran

"What happened?" Killua tried to catch up with me.

"Don't you see, class will start in 5 minutes".

"Oh" Killua look up innocently, "Do you want me to carry you again?" he teased.

"Oh, shut up" I nudged him, still running, "I can run faster than you, bet?" I said, while boosting up and dash through the hallway.

And I did won. I left him gasping to catch his breath.

"What happen? Speedy boy, you lost to the little ol' me." I proudly presented myself.

"Not... fair..." he was still out of breath, " You... cheated."

"Jealous?" I proudly announced. Both of us walked inside the class. Killua signaled me to follow him, I decided to follow Killua, since I don''t know where to sit.

When I finally settled down in my seat, Killua suddenly stand up and waved to someone.

"Killua!", at the door, there stood a green-haired boy. Killua looked so happy when he saw that Gon,

Eventually, after all of that waving, Gon came and sat at the other side of Killua, they talked for a moment, they looked stressed-out when they talked. Suddenly, Killua turned his head and give me a questioning and cold look. He then introduced me to Gon.

""Gon, this is (y/n)," Killua turned his scary look into a friendly smile, " this is the girl who saved me from Risella, I owed her."

""Hi, nice to meet you, I am Gon Freecs." Gon took my hands and shook it so franticcally that made me dizzy.

"And I am (y/n) Yukimura,..." I tried to be polite while my hands was being 'tortured', "Very nice to meet you!".

"Gon, you can release her hand now, it's enough, she might got freaked out." Phew. Thank god that Killua knew what was going on. The teacher came. \the class started.

After the class, Killua and I talked and chatted, he told me all about his friends

"So, do you want to meet them?" Killua asked.

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