22. Risella 2.0

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(y/n)'s POV

Today I met a dog-human hybrid.


We arrived at Misa's school and had a meeting with its principal. After a long discussion with video proof, the woman apologized to Misa and I for the rude behaviours of her student and promised punish the students that took part in this unforgiveable action. Apparently there was a girl thats above Misa one grade. She was the leader of the egg-throwing incident.
After the meeting, Killua excused himself to go to the toilet to fix up his bed hair, it was a mess. So while Mr. Neaty-Pants was busy in the toilet, Misa and I went to her class so that I could check the condition of the class.

And then the "fashion run-way" began. One singular girl with a rather flashy appearance sashay up to Misa and I, with an unbearable attitude.

"Well helloooo there, you must be Misa's sister," she said, "I heard from someone that you reported me for the act of bullying your sister, am I right?"

I kept quiet. The snobby girl standing infront of me is literally Risella 2.0, but more cringey. She's the a little older than Misa but her attitude is already very obnoxious.

"Yeah, your sister is such an annoying brat," she continued, "No matter what I do she won't mutter a single word. What's the fun in that?"

So this is the bitch that has been bullying my sister.

The little girl immediately continued, "Gosh, don't you know how to speak? You are just like her! If you can't fucking educate your sister to speak then don't bring her to school. Bitches like her should stay at home to rot away, like those eggs I threw at her. Speaking about eggs, those were fairly costly, so I need you to pay me back the money I used. What a waste of eggs, that little cunt Misa doesn't even deserve rotten eggs! Hahahaha"

A crowd gathered around us and listened tentatively, waiting for a fight.

Okay. That's enough.

"What's your name?", I asked her.

"Oh so you can speak? Darling, if you must know, it's Saki. And I accept credit, debit and cash for payment", she looked triumphantly as if she has conquered me, but no bitch!

I smirked, knowing that she has fell into my trap. With a complete spin, I turned my head, facing the crowd and announced: "Uhm. Excuse me everyone. There's a lost dog over here and I am searching for its owner.  The dog is named Saki, but she likes to be called bitch. I believe that she  a female dog-human hybrid. She has a very foul mouth and an even filthier heart. If anyone lost a dog, I mean bitch, that fits the above descriptions, please come here immediately to shut her mouth up."

Everyone burst into laughter. They pointed at 'Saki' to ridicule her. She flushed a deep furious red. She looked around and yelled at the laughing crowd, ordering them to shut up. Saki stomped her foot on the ground in anger and was completely infuriated.

Unable to cool the 'burn' that I have left, she launched at me with the speed of a hungry wild dog 😂. I easily dodged her 'attempted assault' since she wobbled. The poor girl missed the attack and ended up crashing her head on the ground.

"Just you wait you despicable bitch. You thought that you are a fucking good deal aren't you. But you're nothing more than just a hoe that doesn't understand how fucking powerful I am. In fact, bitch, you're gonna fucking regret this-", Saki continued her rambling, her mascara was smeared and her designer curled hair was messed up badly.

She kinda reminds me of those French Poodle with those crazy curls.

From the crowd came Killua. He ran towards my direction, panting. "Hey (y/n) what happened here?" He asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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