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Y/n woke up due to a crashing sound and then Monokub's scurrying out of her room. She noticed they left something that looked like an I pad on her couch. She got up and walked over to it quickly starting it. Words flashed over the screen Y/n L/n Ultimate Exorcist. Monokumas voice then started to speak, "Who's the most important person in *your* life? And now. without further ado... This message is for Y/n L/n, the Ultimate Exorcist..."

"Huh, what happened," Y/n said as the screen went blank.

The video continued, "Unfortunately, there is no one in the world who is important to you! I'm truly sorry. Really I am! You have my deepest sympathies. Sorry, Sorry, sorry!" Y/n looked at the video with a blank expression. It was true. Nobody at home cared for her. They cared for her abilities sure, but not for her. She had been alone most of her life which made sense. She thought her parents would be important to her... but I guess they weren't. If nobody cared for her why should she care for anyone? She grabbed her head confused. Does nobody like me. Am I a mistake? Shit, this probably wasn't supposed to happen. "MONOKUMA," Y/n shouted.

"Hm?" Monokuma appeared out of nowhere.

"Shit don't scare me like that," she jumped, "anyways why is nobody on my motive video."

His answer was plain and simple, "Because nobody cares about you," he then gave her a sorry look and left. Y/n picked up the motive and brought it to her face. She threw it as hard as she could against the wall and screamed, "NOBODY FUCKING LOVES ME," and started sobbing.

She suddenly heard frantic knocks on the door and walked over to it. She barely opened the door and Shuichi came flying in. "Y/n are you okay! I heard screaming!" he said as he held onto Y/n's shoulders. Tears were streaming down her face yet she managed to keep calm, "Yeah I just had a malfunction." Shuichi looked at her then looked around the room noticing the cracked and broken motive video, "Y/n was yours really that bad. I mean who's motive did you get?" Shuichi looked at her with concern.


"No what. You don't have to tell me. I'm here if you need it," He hugged her. She melted into the hug for a second but as soon as it happened he broke apart. "Let's go to the dining hall come on," he wiped her tears with his sleeve and then proceeded to grab her hand and head towards the dining hall. She blushed at the thought of him holding her hand. Wait no. She would not be a simp. She simply wouldn't give in. They got to the dining hall and everyone was discussing the motive videos. Shuichi separated from Y/n to seek out Kaito and Kokichi inched towards Y/n.

"Pft Y/n," Kokichi whispered. She turned, "Hm?" Suddenly she was yanked into the hallway.

"Who's motive did you get?" He asked seriously.

"My own," she bluntly replied. His eyes widened.

"You're not thinking about-"

"No, I don't have a reason to, nothing was on it," Y/n said avoiding eye contact.

"How's that even possible?" He asked out loud.

"Because nobody cares about me, Monokuma can't give me a motive like that if I have nobody in the first place," Y/n said still avoiding eye contact. His expression dropped, "Oh I- I'm sorry," he pulled her in for a quick hug. "Don't tell anyone Y/n and I mean it. Me and you are the ONLY ones who can know about your motive," he looked her in the eyes.

"Wouldn't it just be better if I died thou-"

"DON'T SAY THAT," He shouted, "Sorry... It's just don't kill yourself over something stupid. I know this won't count for much but I care about you. I guess. And Shuichi sure does too. Don't get bent over a stupid video. You're better than that. Anyways meet me at my dorm at 1 we need to plan a meet and greet," he said before turning and walking away.

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