Beautiful Night

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A/n- I'm back! Sorry for the wait guys! I'll start posting normally again soon.

Y/n was sitting in her dorm looking at the ceiling when there was a pounding on the door.

"I'm busy!" Y/n yelled.

"Liar!" Kokichi yelled back and burst through her doors. "Are you going to wear that for tonight?" Kokichi lifted an eye at the oversized t and sweats Y/n had on at the moment.

"Well, I don't-"

"Let us go find you an outfit~~~" Kokichi sang and pulled Y/n along.

"Kokichi is this really necessary," Y/n complained.

"Yes of course it is! You need to look hot for Shuichi~" Kokichi suddenly stopped and turned to face Y/n with a grin.

"What! That's why you're doing this!?" Y/n's face turned red.

"Turning red are we~" Kokichi laughed and pulled Y/n to the warehouse.

"Why would there be dresses in here?" Y/n walked next to Kokichi.

"What doesn't this place have, and it's either this or get that cosplaying maniac to make you something," Kokichi shrugged.

"I don't like her much..." Y/n mumbled.

"I don't either. She seems to be hiding something," Kokichi looked at the ground before continuing to walk.

"OOOO LOOK WE FOUND THEM!" Kokichi ran forward. "I feel like I'm helping you pick your wedding dress except it is really just a date with some emo detective," Kokichi wiped a tear.

"Okay weirdo," Y/n raised an eye.

"OOO THIS ONE!" Kokichi gasped as he pulled out a periwinkle (dress or suit whatever you prefer).

"I don't know," Y/n looked away.

"If this is because you don't think you'd look good you need to shut up. I've seen Shuichi. He's like tooooootally in love with you. I think he'd love anything you choose to wear," Kokichi grabbed onto Y/n's shoulders.

"Okay..." Y/n smiled.

"Okay now let's go get you in this thing," Kokichi smiled and pulled Y/n back to the dorms.

Y/n tried on the outfit and walked out, " How's it look?" She awkwardly smiled.

"You look AMAZING. Shuichi's totally gonna want to make out with you!"

"Kokichi!" Y/n yelled and threw her shoe at him.

"Jeez, n/n that hurt my feelings..." Kokichi frowned. "Well, you should head to Shuichi! I'll see you soon~"Kokichi ran out of the room.

"What?!?!" Y/n stared at him before sighing and walking to the dining hall. When she walked in she gasped and covered her mouth. Shuichi was wearing a tux.

"What is something wrong?" Shuichi stood up.

"No, you just look really pretty," Y/n looked at the floor.

"Oh," Shuichi blushed and walked towards Y/n gently grabbing her hand, "I could say the same about you. You look gorgeous."

"Thank you," Y/n smiled and they both sat down. They talked for a bit. After about 20 minutes Kokichi strolled out of the kitchen with a name tag that read Benedict. He was in a waiter outfit as well. Y/n raised an eyebrow. He grinned at Y/n and walked to where they sat.

"Hello my name is Benedict and I'll be your waiter for the night. Shall I get you started with something to drink- oh wait you need a menu silly me," Kokichi violently threw the menus on the table and smiled, "I'll be back in 5," he turned and walked back into the kitchen.

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