Mall Trips

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Colton's POV-

It's been two weeks since my last spanking, and not to brag or anything, but I've been behaving very well. And today, a bunch of boys from the baseball team and their girlfriends are going to the mall, and I was invited. I want to go, but there is a very low chance of going by myself. Jacob has a hard time trusting me when I go out in public.

Plus it's the weekend, and Jacob isn't working. So that means he can take me, right? I walk in front of the study room and cautiously peak my head inside. Deep breaths, Colton, deep breaths.

I walked into the study, only to find Jacob on the phone. I mentally groan. Jacob notices my presence at least. He held up one finger and after a couple of second he was off the phone.

"Hey, Bub, what's up?" Oh he's in a good mood. Okay maybe he'll let me go.

"Hey, Bubba." I say while walking up to his desk with my head hung low.

Jacob noticed my sneaky approach, and his eyebrow immediately shot up. "What's up, Baby?" I looked up at Jacob through my eyelashes.

I didn't say anything, I just slowly inched closer to him. I made my way around his desk, and in front of his chair. Jacob lifted me onto his lap, and sat my on his knee.

"What's wrong, Bub? Are you hungry? Do you want me to make you something?" I shook my head 'no' and Jacob began playing with my hair.

"Bubba, if I ask you something, you have to promise not to be mad, okay?" Jacob just hummed in response. Well here goes nothing.

"Since you're the best older brother ever, I was wondering if I could go to the mall with some of the guys on the team. I've been really good all week, I haven't gotten in trouble at all. Please, Bubba, I'll do extra chores!" I could feel Jacob's chest vibrate while I was leaning back against him. All of a sudden Jacob flipped me around on his knee to where I was face to face with him now.

"Baby, it's a Friday evening. Do you know how crowded the mall is going to be? And do you know how bad traffic is going to be? I would preferred you stayed home tonight, and tomorrow I'll take you to go hang out with your friends, we all can go get lunch and ya'll can go to the mall. Or if you want we can have lunch in the mall. I would rather I be there with you, instead of you being alone." Frustrating tears rose in my eyes, and Jacob started rubbing my back sensing the frustration.

"That's not fair, Jacob! All of my friends get to go out on Friday night's while I'm stuck here doing, God knows what now. This is so lame. Why can't I just go out this one time, please? I won't stay out late I promise. I just want to hang out with them!" Those frustrated tears fell from my eyes, as my rant ended. Jacob was still rubbing my back, but now he was shaking his head from side to side.

"Baby, I'm not trying to argue with you. I know you want to hang out with your friends, and if it were any other time you could go to the mall with them. It's just too late right now, Bub. I don't want you out and about at this time at night with so many dangerous people." Jacob smiled at me and started removing me from his lap.

"But I won't be alone! I'll have all of my friends with me, plus you have my location on! Please, Jacob. Just this once." I was fully off of Jacob's knee, and now I was just standing in front of him with my bottom lip puckering out.

"Colton, I said no."

"You're no fun! You're the lamest brother ever, Mikey's brother is so much cooler than you. He actually lets Mikey do stuff, while you just keep me cooped up all day! Why can't you just be fun! You suck!" Jacob's eyebrows turned downwards and his mouth frowned.

Colton BrownHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin