School Time pt: 1

341 9 7

Colton's POV:

"Bubba, please I really don't wanna go today! Please I'll go tomorrow!" Jacob was standing in front of me with my school uniform in his hands, with an annoyed look on his face.

"Colton, baby, you know you cannot miss school unless you're sick. If there is something going on, you need to tell me." Jacob squinted his eyes at me.

The truth is, I have been getting picked on by some guys on the baseball team. They've been saying that I don't have any real talent, and the only reason I got on the team was because of Jacob.

If I told Jacob, he would go ballistic.

I don't want to get picked on anymore than I already am.

"Just give me my uniform." I huffed out.

"Drop the attitude, Colton." Jacob handed me my uniform and walked out of my room.

With a huff I put my uniform on, and walked to the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror I can see the tiredness forming around my eyes.

I dampened my hair and fluffed it up a bit, half presentable.

I walked out my bathroom and was faced with a pissed off looking Jacob.

"Can I help you?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Did you brush your teeth?" Jacob did the same motion with his arms.

"Sure." I tried walking past Jacob, but he grabbed my arm and spun me back around. "Get back in there and brush your teeth, Colton." Jacob walked me back into the bathroom and stood watch as I brushed my teeth.

"There happy?" I said once I was done, I threw my toothbrush onto the bathroom counter. As I turned to walk out Jacob delivered a sharp slap to my bum.

"Ow! what the fuck!" I screamed out. Before I could even comprehend what I had said, Jacob had me by my chin holding it tight.

"What did you just say?" You know when your brother is really mad, but he ask really calm so in that matter it makes him look ten- times scarier. Yeah. That's happening now.

"I didn't mean it I'm sorry, I just slipped out." Tears began welling in my eyes, I've just been stressed out lately and getting my social media locked along with writing lines isn't going to help.

Jacob looked down at his watch and sighed. "Your phone is mine until I figure out what I'm gonna do about your swearing and disrespect, I want it on my dresser when you get home from school. You're late, get your shoes and book bag. I will get your practice bag and meet you in the truck with something to eat for your breakfast." Even when Jacob is mad at me, he always still cares for me and takes care of me.

I did as I was told and waited for Jacob in his truck.

After a few minutes Jacob came outside with yogurt in one hand and my practice bag in the other.

He opened the back door to his truck and put my practice bag in there, he then got into the driver seat and handed me the yogurt.

"Eat." was all he said before he started driving off.


We pulled in front of the school, and I have to walk to the front office to get a tardy slip since I'm late.

"Please Jacob, don't make me go." I was begging my brother at this point, I can't deal with the constant nagging and snarky comments.

"Colton, if there is something wrong you need to tell me other wise I can't help you. You're going to school. Wether you like it or not. So you either tell me now, or you can tell me when you get home from school. I'm not going to play this pretend game of sick with you." Jacob was not having it today, he's probably mad because of earlier.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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