Home Alone? Pt.2

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Colton's POV:

Two things happened in the morning when I woke up.

1. I forgot I had fallen asleep in Jacob's bed. And 2. Jacob wasn't in the bed either.

I rolled around in his bed trying to wake myself up, I slowly opened my eyes and glanced and the clock on his side table. It was twelve pm.. Wait- Twelve pm?! Oh gosh, Jacob is going to kill me for sleeping in.

I jumped out of bed, making sure I grabbed my baby blanket, I rushed downstairs into the kitchen. 

"Colton, you know not to run in the house." Jacob's voice echoed through the kitchen. I mentally groaned, and slowly turned to face him with my baby blanket in one hand and a orange in the other.

"Hey, Bubba." I nervously smiled out.

"Hi, Colton." Jacob had this amusing look on his face.

Annoyance started bubbling up in me. "I'm sorry I slept in." I grumbled out, while crossing my arms across my chest.

Jacob chuckled a bit then sat on a bar stool. "Believe me, Colton, if I wanted you up, you would've already been up. I just thought you would've liked to sleep in some after our conversation last night." Jacob smiled at me, but my face heated up with embarrassment.

"Anyways, I gotta go. Bye." I tried taking off upstairs, but Jacob just grabbed my arm and spun me back around. 

"Sorry, little man, we have some things to talk about." I whined a little and bounced in place.

"But, Jacob, I haven't even had my breakfast yet!" I pouted at him, but he just smiled and hoisted me onto his leg.

"You can eat while I talk." He then took the orange out of my hand and started peeling it for me.

"You know I don't tolerating liars, Colton." Oh gosh, we are having this talk. Now?

"I know, Bubba, and I'm sorry! I just didn't want to get in trouble." Jacob handed me back my peeled orange and started rubbing a circular motion on my back.

"Colton, lying get's you in much more trouble. Like I said last night, my rules are set in place for your safety, so when you disobey my rules you are putting yourself in harms way." I didn't make eye contact with him, I just ate my orange.

"I don't see how having a friend over could put me in danger?" It was a genuine question.

"It's not just about your friend putting you in danger, it's just that I would be responsible for a child I had no idea was at our home. If a fire or something happened, or worst case scenario a burglar came into the house I wouldn't have known he was here, and if he happened to have gotten hurt I would have been responsible for it. Do you understand now?" I just stayed quiet and ate my orange. 

"I'm sorry though, Bubba, I promise I won't ever do it again." Jacob just laughed.

"Oh I know you won't, because you'll be having a babysitter until I think you can finally handle being home alone by yourself." My head shot up fast, I can't have a babysitter?! I'm thirteen years old, not six!

"Jacob! That isn't fair, I'm old enough to stay home alone! It was a on time thing, a mistake! I promise I won't do it again, please, Bubba! Anything but a babysitter!" Jacob just shook his head side to side.

"Colton, I told you before I left to obey my rules, and you didn't. So, now you have to face the consequences for your actions." I groaned and threw my head back.

"You're killing me." I mumbled. I'm definitely going to get made fun of.

"You're also grounded, and you have some pencil and paper waiting for you in the study." Yeah, this ain't gonna work.

"Jacob?! Grounded! No, isn't having a babysitter enough? Please, Jacob, Sam's birthday is tomorrow and I really want to go! It's supposed to be the biggest birthday party he's ever thrown! I will look like a loser if I didn't go!" Jacob just smirked, and patted my back.

"Well, you should've thought about that instead of planning for your friend to come over. I also believe you have some homework to do, you might want to get onto that before I double your lines." I chocked back tears. This is so overwhelming.

"You're the worst! Why do you have to be so mean to me! I messed up, I get it! But I promise I won't do it again!" I was yelling in his face at this point.

"Colton, you lied to me. Three times. Be happy I'm not give you a spanking right now, I think you need to go calm down." I just lost it.

"Dad would have never treated me as bad as you do!" Now, I don't know what I was thinking. I never really knew Dad that well since he died when I was around three, but everyone always told me he was a good man, and he loved Jacob and I a lot. And him and Jacob were really close, I know he misses him a lot.

"If he saw how you were acting right now, he wouldn't even think twice about taking you over his knee." Jacob went from being gently to showing no emotion. He was blank, and I think it's kind of my fault. He never talks about Dad.

"I'm... I'm sorry." I mumbled  out. After a moment of silence I got up and went to the study room.

I feel terrible now.


I was doing my homework, whenever Jacob came into the room. I didn't look up at him, I just continued to do my homework.

He came over and stood over me with his hands in his pockets. 

"Can I talk to you, Colton?" I sighed and put my pencil down on my paper and turned to look at him.

"Look, I'm sorry, Bubba. I didn't mean to say anything that would have upset you. I was being a brat, I know. I deserve this." I blinked back tears, whenever I met Jacob's eyes.

"I'm not mad, Baby, I just wish you would've known Dad a little more. He was truly the best. Look-" He crouched down to my level. "Whenever I was around fifteen  years old, I was in my rebellious stage. I didn't wanna listen to anything Mom or Dad had to say. Mom was always getting me out of trouble, she hatted seeing me get in trouble with Dad. But, one night, I did something really stupid. I snuck out the house to go to a stupid party where there were lots of alcohol, and I hate to admit I was drinking that alcohol. But, as the night went on, the cops got called. Dad was friends with the chief of the police department, so they called Dad when they saw me there. And boy, was he mad. I could see the steam coming from his ears. He apologized to the officer and drug me to the car. I knew I was in trouble, I was in so much trouble. I wasn't wasted, but I wasn't sober either. So when we arrived back at the house, Dad had to drag me out the car. Explaining that I was already in a bunch of trouble. And soon enough I was bent over a desk with swats raining down on my bum. Believe me, I was a blubbering mess. Apologizing left and right, but Dad wasn't having none of it. Once he was done with the whooping, he just sat there and hugged me. Dad and I, we were close. But when you came along, his world lit up. You were a trouble maker, even then. Dad would never whoop you though, he always made excuses. Heck, he would get mad at me whenever I would pop you for doing something bad. You were an Angel in his eyes, but believe me if he saw you now, and saw how you have been acting. He would whoop you too." Jacob had a smile on his face, but I wasn't smiling I was in tears.

"I'm so sorry, Bubba! I'm the worst brother ever!" I threw my arms around his neck, and buried my head in his chest and cried. 

"Hey, don't say that. You're the perfect Angel, Baby." Jacob laughed and rubbed my back up and down.

"I'm sorry I'm harsh on you, but it's for your own good." I just continued to cry into my brothers chest while he rubbed my back soothingly.

Jacob pulled away from me and looked me in my eyes, and wiped some stray tears away. "How about you and I go and get some Ice cream?" I smiled widely at him and nodded my head. 

"You're the best, Jacob."


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Colton BrownWhere stories live. Discover now