The Nymph, The Nurse, and The Merchant's Only Fear

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"Well that's quite a story..." said Andrew, who was listening to the details of Sunny's underground trek.

"You do believe me, right?" asked Sunny.

"Of course, what you speak of is called a Nymph, an old legend about creatures that roam in caves that take the forms of a young girls in distress. If provoked, they shift into their true form. They can usually only be provoked by other girls, because they are attracted to men. So that's probably why it attacked you."

"Oh. So I killed an innocent girl who just needed a man in her life."

"Not necessarily, If it was me, she be all over me like a leech to blood sample."

"So they can still make love like a regular girl?"

"Er... yes."

"Well, that discussion is over." said Sunny, feeling a bit awkward. "Wait a second. Did you feel that?"

"Feel what?" asked Andrew.

Sunny suddenly felt sick. "I... I feel an evil presence watching me..."

"Maybe it's the arms dealer that wanders around, he's a real peeping tom if you ask me..."

Then they both turned to hear a knock on the door.

"It's probably Harold." said Andrew.

But to both of their surprise, there was a lady standing there with blonde hair, a tight white suit, and a bandana with a cross on it.

"Whoa, who are you, a nurse?" asked Sunny.

"No, I'm just a lady in a white suit who looks like they might heal someone for no reason." she said sarcastically. "The name's Abigail."

"Well Abigail," said Sunny, offended. "How old are you anyways? You look young for a nurse..."

"Twenty," she replied. "But I have degrees in all types of medical care. You?"

"Seventeen." she countered. "And I'm a hundred degrees hotter than you!"

"Ha! Nice one Sunny." chuckled Andrew.

Abigail rolled her eyes. The other two laughed.

"Let's go see Harold, he'll want to meet the nurse." said Andrew.

They all walked outside to find Harold staring at what appeared to be a giant eye a safe distance away from them.

"Make armor," said Harold quickly, shaking. "For all of us. Now. That eye is coming. The Eye of Cthulhu. It's some kind of sea creature's eye that was torn out with necromancy and cursed to destroy. Make weapons and armor. Hurry."

Everyone was at a anvil or furnace in a matter of seconds, making metal, armor, and weapons for themselves (With the ores that Sunny provided, of course). Soon the eye was at an uncomfortably close position, but they were ready. The guide sported silver armor, the nurse was wearing full gold, the merchant was eager to join the battle (for some reason) wearing a full set of iron armor, as did Sunny. They all had a sword matching their armor.

"Let's show this pupil who the real teacher is." said Harold, determined.

And even for his age, he was quick with a blade. Then the eye started... eh... "spitting" out smaller eyes from it. As it lunged for the group of four, they jumped at the eye and stabbed their swords into it. Then it freaked out, flew up high into the sky, and... changed.

"Erm... what's it doing?" asked the well-protected nurse, slicing an eye minion in half.

"It seems to be trans... fo..." Andrew stopped, leaving his mouth open to stare at what the eye had become.

The eye now had a mouth where its pupil should have been.

"Harold! Watch out!" cried Andrew, and as the eye lunged at elder, he jumped away, but too late.

"Aaaaarrgh!" he cried, clutching his twisted, withered leg.

"Stay where you are!" said the nurse, running to him. "You two hold him off."

As the dynamic duo fought the Eye of Cthulhu, Abigail healed Harold with anything she could.

"We need to hurry..." said Andrew.

"Wait! I have an idea!" said Sunny.

Then when the eye lunged at them again, Sunny jumped inside it's mouth.

"Oh great, now she's committing suicide?!" said Abigail, annoyed.

"Sunny, No!" cried Harold, mustering up his strength to try to stop her.

"Harold, you need to get down-"

"She's gone!"

Then it's mouth caught on fire from the inside, and a sword started slowly slicing through the outside, and then it stopped.

"She stopped! Why did she stop?" cried Andrew.

Then the eye couldn't take it, and it fell to the ground, dead.

"We have to find her," said Harold. "She can't be dead!"

Andrew started tearing the eye... er... vein from vein...? The inside of the mouth was thoroughly charred. Could Sunny have burned along with it?

"Sunny?" said Andrew, kicking aside the burned pieces of mouth aside.

Then there she was, lying on the ground, the flare gun in hand.

"Ah jeez..." he said.

Andrew picked her up and carried her outside.

"She's unconscious. We need to help her wake up." said Andrew firmly to Abigail.

"It looks like she has some burns too. I can fix that."

"Hey, she's got something in her bag..."

"Life Crystals! This is perfect! We can use them to extend our health!"

Abigail held one above her head, as did Andrew and Harold, and it turned to dust and sprinkled upon them.

"How do you feel, Harold?" asked Abigail.

"Er... better, I guess." he replied.

"Alright guys, lets get her inside," said Andrew. "And now we can get some shut eye knowing there's no eyes watching us at night."

"And get ready for another adventure again tomorrow!" said Harold, seeming already prepared for the journeys that lied ahead.

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