Prologue Pt1

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Y/n was walking down to her father's agency so that she can train even though she was quirkless she still needed to be physically strong so that she can protect her siblings. Her fathers agency was maybe a mile and a half from their house so it was a long walk for her but since she was a perfectionist it'll only take her a couple minutes if she jogged. That's what she was doing every weekend she'd jog to her father's agency just like now until she finally made it to her father's agency entrance. There was two huge sensor doors that opened for her as she walked in and she walked forward knowing where to go because she'd always come here ever since she turned 8. She looked to her left to smile at the lady at the desk farthest to the left,the lobby was huge and in the middle hanging was a chandelier (wait is that what there called?) Anyway she turned to her right making her way to the three elevators she decided to go in the middle one as she walked in she noticed the new carpet it felt nice even tho she couldn't feel it with her feet it just felt a little more homey (lol) her father's agency felt homey just comfortable not to messy and not to fancy just the way she likes it. She pressed the 6th floor button and looked around the silver walls so clean she can see her own reflection *DING* she turned her head to the opening doors and walked out there was a hall going forward and a corner to her right both halls had windows for walls. Her fathers agency was a ten floor building wasn't the tallest but eh better then nothing. She went right,left,left and forward and finally made it to the gym room just for her it made her feel special she unpacked her bag and put on her gym training clothes and put her hair in a ponytail and got to work. She started working out at 2pm and now it's 5pm "well time to go home for supper" she said in her monotone expressionless face,she hopped the bag over her shoulder and walked out. She was busy in her own world walking down the street to her house with earphones plugged in listening to her favorite song (you can decide what that is obviously) suddenly she jumped up startled from her phone ring tone, she quickly grabbed her phone from her pocket and answered "Hello dad what do you n-"-
"Don't you dare come to the house a villain has broken through some how,call the police and ambulance anyone just stay far from here Kay? I love you so much a-"- my father's phone cut off...his voice was stern and angry but the last part he sounded sad...without realizing it she was running for her families dear life memories flashing into her mind with every step she took.

Please be alright father take good care of mother and the other two evacuate please don't fight run away! If the villain was able to get through the security and defenses it's no second thought the villain is not a thug bandit or whatever the villains on another level for sure so please run away!

She kept running despite the warning her father gave her she didn't care she just wanted to run and run because that's all she could do right now but even if so memories of her family came popping up like popcorn ~why is my past memories coming up now? Is it stop it! There all strong enough to 'fend off that one villain right? But who knows if there's only one? Kai, he's so strong he'd always defend and protect without hesitation always getting himself in trouble for fighting others claiming he's been protecting not fighting he sounds so noble,no doubt he'd become a great hero! His bright smiles definitely symbolize justice! ~Y/n giggled to herself even if tears were streaming down her face ~And Hishi,she's always getting herself caught in trees trying to help the small animals instead of worrying she'd fall off and get hurt she'd protest saying the animals come first! And getting caught climbing up the cupboards getting at the cookies and my brother warning her but she'd always hiss not a mean hiss just a playful one for sure her hisses are soft and she'd always love the head pats she'd recieve for sharing with us afterwards from our mother,mother she has a very strong aura when it comes to heroism so ofcourse she's gonna jump into action and protect no matter what plus this is our family so imagine her twice as strong and her aura...eesh..sometimes she'd get a scolding from our father for being to serious and scarying the younger ones and our father strong kind and such a gentle men even when he's scolding us sometimes he can't say no to my sister pouting cat eyes that get us our jackpot not to mention he's quirk is strong,all of there quirks are strong so they'd be fine right? What do I have to worry bout? I'm the quirkless one after all maybe it's the way my father spoke it's not like him so yeah ig it's that but there fine!~
Y/n reached the front steps of her house she gasped seeing how damaged her house was and not realizing how dark it was she rushed inside being as quiet as she could be,she crouched down pouncing from one counter to another furniture to another taking the knowledge she learned from her cat-like sister on how sneaking is. She peeked over the kitchen counter and seen nothing and now she finally realized how dark it was after finally seeing how dark it is but the moon from the now broken roof shined through so she adjusted but now she regretted it every part of her froze and fear,regret,confusion,anger,everything flowed her body seeing the now lifeless hand on the head of her now lifeless sisters head like cradling her siblings in her mother's arms there all...dead. burnt there eyes were closed peacefully Y/n rushed quietly over and dumped her head on her mother's shoulder and opened her arms hugging her siblings closely to her body ~there cold...and hurt..pain~ tears fell down Y/ns cheeks regretting being so quirkless slow ass over to her families house when they were fighting for their lives. Y/n let out a light sigh that quickly went into a heavy sob "I'm so sorry...I'm so useless...helpless no matter how hard I tried..I couldn't"-

"Finally I've been waiting for you to show up gee way to keep us waiting"

A menacing rusty voice made Y/n jump up and whip her head facing the dark shadows that the moon failed to shine through away the opposite direction and fear was creeping over the other emotions Y/n was feeling before
~us? What does he exactly mean by that? What should I do? Run?fight?hide? Wait where's father?how many of them are there? Is he lying or bluffing or something?
So many possible thoughts ran through Y/ns mind,having the logical like thought she quickly stood up and went into the moon light instead of the dark so that the villain may come out and she'll be able to see more maybe? ~maybe these villains don't know I am quirkless so ill try to keep em off as long as I can it's nighttime and surely these villains know-~

"We already know you're the quirkless disappointment in the family so don't try anything"

~they already know?!crap! I can't hope anymore but they won't be happy that I gave up so easily and where's father?~ "father?!"

"Give up we murdered you're entire family so stop desperately trying and cry like a little snotnosed brat you are"

~his voice became serious and almost teasingly at the same family...dead...and their responsible for it! There to blame!ill despise them from my very heart and soul!~

Y/n shot up out of cloudly rage,her emotionless face clearly spoke despise but she only stood there with hands clutched tightly and she bent her knees a little ready to spring or run and fight anything, her eyes cried out frustration and regret,her body was ready to fight, and her mind was clouded with rage, "COME OUT AND FACE ME RIGHT NOW! I WANT TO FIGHT YOU HEAD ON I DONT GIVE A DAMN IF IM QUIRKLESS ID RATHER STRUGGLE THEN SQUIEL LIKE A COWARD,speaking of cowards I can say you are one wanna know why?" Her face went to a sly smirk but her eyes was still rage full. All she can hear was a scoff and then they answered "go on tell me why am I so cowardly?"

Y/ns smile grew wider "because you're hiding in the shadows,maybe you're too scared?or being a careful thinker which obviously means you are cautious but still scared? Even if I am quirkless and seeing as you slaughtered my family mercilessly you clearly have a quirk! So come out now!" Y/ns voice was shivering with anger,she kept looking around in the dusty dark air with little moonlight "what about you?you're acting nothingless I mean you're too scared to step into the darkness as we are in the light right?" The voice chuckled evilly making Y/n grit her teeth "you Wanna see me step into the dark? Fine! I will!" Y/n took a couple steps forward hesitantly for a little while then her body went into the Darkside and the chuckle only became more louder and with a smack to the face Y/n went flying to the already broken then but more broken now wall with her back against the wall she slowly fell to the floor ~dammit~ she struggled getting up on her feet but managed "see I told you,you were gonna be a waste so stop struggling it'll be more easier for us and we'd appreciate it very much" "NO WAY IN HELL! I told you before I'd rather struggle! Then to be held quietly for whatever you were going to do and I don't hear anyone else but you talking not to mention nothing happening around me or you so it's clear now it's just you and me!" Y/n spat out.

Well that was fun how do you think this'll fold out huh? Well stay and find out! LETS GOOOO PLUUUUSSS ULLTRRRAAAAAA!

In her eyes/// Y/n×BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now