Training camp PT2

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This will be so hard you'll feel like you're dying,let's hope you all survive"
I can sense more people coming with my (I named you're ground quirk randomly I was too lazy to think at the time) Greta ability.
~I can feel their footstep vibrations,judging by the weight and how many there are I'm guessing that's class 1b...Ha I found you Toru!~
I reached out to feel an elbow in the air "Ha I found you Toru! Hey Shoji I found her before you!!" I yelled in the distance. Not long after I head my way to Kaminari to help us both out. Since I'm immune to electricity (thanks to a certain someone"s") he's trying to find a way to affect me with his quirk.
"Are ya feeling anything Aizawa?!" Kaminari yelled going his all.
"Nope sorry go a little more higher rate then this....actually alot higher!! I don't feel anything yet!! Go higher!!! More electricity!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs so that he can hear me.
After that I go to Bakugou so that he can explode at me with his full strength while I protect myself with my Greta ability. (Greta is you're ground manipulation quirk) After having a break from that I go over to physical strength with Midoriya...and the dude helping/coaching us is the big male cat. This is all to help my abilities and help my family.

Time skip!

Now we're making curries.
"Uhh guys I'm gonna be honest with yall...I never really...cooked" I said embarrassed.
"That's alright we can teach you" Momo reassures me.
"Alright!! Thanks" I exclaimed.
After all that the food really was delicious! I'll admit momo is a great teacher! And a student...and a friend.
~all these people....classmates are all great! I have no doubt there all gonna be great heroes..~
"Yea and you're not even sure about your own abilities"
~atleast I don't feel lonely when I'm thinking to myself anymore...I have you...other me?~
"Yeah..yeah but sooner or later you're gonna have to fuse with me...and..let them go"
~yeah I know...I'm just not ready are they doing?~
I asked my other me who's keeping my family safe.
"There...sigh* mom and dad are starting to grow their own orbits...kai's one is almost done consuming his heart. Hishi's one has not shown yet. When do you really think you'll be ready...because we're all waiting" the other me said worriedly.
~I see....I'm sorry are they...hurting?~
" constantly wheeping and the family is constantly never answered my question
When do you think you're ready?"
Scratch that when will you be ready?"
~I don't know okay! Just a little longer..I'm sorry but you all will have to wait just a little longer~
I forcefully tuned out the other me and I guess it went to resting along with my family...
~crazy to think that I can talk to another me about my family who's spirits are actually inside my long do I have left?~
I sighed frustrated.
Frustrated that I'm so damn afraid of the past the other me represents
Frustrated that I can't do anything to help my family
Frustrated thinking I'm gonna be left behind!
Frustrated that I alone.
So much power inside me...but what good does that make...if I can't even be ready...for myself.
"Watch yourself damn it!" I was busy doing the dishes and currently I had a knife in my hand and I didn't realize..I almost cut myself.
He put his hand on mine before the knife could slice my flesh through the thin cloth.
"I'm sorry..I wasn't paying attention" I apoligized.
"What you also can't do dishes much less cook?! Geez...tomorrow I'll teach you how to handle a stupid knife" Bakugou growled.
I was a bit surprised " I hearing wrong?"
"Now you're doubting yourself what kind of hero are you gonna be if you can't even believe in yourself damnit?!"
~his words certainly cut through my mind and carved into my heart....what kind of hero am I...he really thinks I have what it be a hero?~
"Hey are you...alright?" He actually sounded quite worried and concerned.
"Ah!! Uhh yeah I'm fine thank you anyways I should get back to the dishes and I'm looking forward to learning how to use a knife! Hehe"
He scoffed and mumbled something before walking off to who knows maybe his room.
~being taught by Bakugou...I wonder what's that gonna be like? And to think...he can actually sound worried and concerned about me...of all people...~
I sighed drying my hands from finally finishing the dishes and waved goodnight to everyone.
~my butlers and maidens usually did the cooking for me and my siblings...I wonder...~
I kept on thinking about my past as I drift myself to sleep and this time...I got to be on the top bunk :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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