Prologue pt2

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Damn I didn't think it'll take this long but eh mind as well go along with it

Y/n struggled getting up after getting smacked by the back hand like a bitch back slap lol sry had to anyway
"Y/n..." the voice was graspy and low but Y/n knew it was her father's voice she instantly went searching for him like a person who lost there glasses she seen a hand better yet it was her father's resting on a Boulder so she ran without a second thought but found herself laying on the cold mossy ground,numb body she had no idea what happened "arrogant little bitch don't you dare act as though my existence does not mean anything to anyone!" ~ohya the dumbass is still here...funny I kinda forgot don't worry father I'll get to you~ pain strikes like a very speed full sword as she tried her hardest to get back on her two feet "Y/ away! Don' *cough cough*..." "father don't worry ill get us both outta sister are gone but since your still here I can rescue you!" Evil laughter was booming through the building "DONT TELL ME YOU ACTUALLY THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME AND SAVE YOURE PITIFUL FATHER?! DONT KID YOURSELF KID! YOURE FUTURE IS SET IN STONE YOULL ALL DIE!!" "NO WE WONT!!" Y/n shout back she bowed her head down "we will make it out of here I'll do whatever it takes in my being no matter what!" Suddenly she went flying like a ricochet ragdoll and finally plummeted on the ceiling and thudded to the floor "naive little bitch no matter how noble you talk you can never live...blah...blah...blah..." ~what the hell?uhhhh what is that bastard saying?OK it's getting lighter and lighter....wait did I die?...all that...mother?"

Y/n found herself standing in the forest but to her left was a clear river stream as she looked up she can see a cold mountain top and finally she looked ahead to see her family...playing and having fun on a little hill slope with a tree above them. Tears fell down her cheeks and she couldn't move at all seeing her family alive made her feel so many things....different things she never experienced.

"Mother?...father?...Hishi?...Kai? family".

"My family."
There stood Y/n totally dumbfounded on what's going on and where the hell she is, she decides to go walk to her family. As she's walking every step she took she has a glance of what happened with her family before ,dead. She winced at every scene flashed into her mind yet here they are laughing and giggling and talking as if nothing happened when she stopped in front of them she noticed there having a picnic? Finally she caught there attention "uhh hey,uhh mind if I join you guys?" Kai who came running from Hishi quickly nodded and jumped into Y/ns arms making them both fall down and laughing and Hishi being Hishi,jumped onto Y/n and Kai joining in the hug or as she called it cat pile instead of dog pile. Her parents smiled and nodded and began prepping the food out of the basket there grandmother made for them while the kids run around and play. Again Hishi gets stuck in the tree and Kai and Y/n are trying to encourage her to come back down but she won't listen because she's convinced she's gonna end up with a broken leg or foot and the thought of that scares her. Y/n giggles which she hardly ever does fascinates the two but Y/n ends up tearing up and starts crying "I'm so sorry I know I wasn't good enough to because of that we're all here i-im so s-s-sorry!" Y/n stutters alot but apologizing is the best thing she can do right now and without realizing it Hishi came down and is now comforting her along with Kai both are worried and concerned they bring Y/n back to their parents and they all sit down listening to what Y/n has to say. *sniff sniff* "I know that I've been nothing but a burden and whatever I say may sound high nd mighty but I can never live up to them and it makes me sound like a coward and i-i know all of us are dead because of me, I wasn't strong enough to protect any of you and I made a pro-promise I couldn't keep,youre all probably mad at me and pity me which-which is understandable and I'm so sorry my apology isn't enough but it's all I can do so please forgive me" Y/n bows down to her thighs and hands on each opposite side she's so low her nose is almost touching the ground but her eyes widen when she feels her sisters hand resting on her head she slowly looks up with tear beads on the corner of her eyes,eyebrows narrowed in a sad way and her lips frowned her sister on the other hand was the total opposite smiling from ear to ear "sis there's no need to apologize silly!now let's eat cause I'm starving!" Kai who's holding his tummy with a happy expression with his sister Hishi also agrees by nodding his head and is appearantly drooling simply nods. Y/n however has a sad confused face "but"- her father cuts in "no buts let's all enjoy this meal together alright were all hungry after all, we missed supper didn't we?" Her father jokes with a closed eye smile. Y/n was about to open her mouth only to have her mother's gentle finger rest on her lips "Y/n just enjoy the food,after all can't have you fighting that villain with an empty stomach now can we? And besides your stomach is empty but once it's full your heart will be too and not just these negative feelings inside" her mother gives an unpleasant closed eye smile as well but her aura is giving off this scary intent. "No's just no f-fair you all w-wouldnt let me apologize.." Y/n is sitting up straight but has her tears streaming down like a river with puppy eyes *sniff sniff* "why?" A sigh escaped her lips once she bowed her head low again but her mother cupped her hand under Y/ns chin and lifted her head up and said in the well known motherly gentle loving voice "Y/n we all adore you,we can't ever be mad or disappointed in you unless you do something horrible which we all know you can never do,we love you so much" tears were flowing through y/n mother eyes and soon her sister,Hishi, chimed in "Yeah Y/n no matter what your always so hardworking and sometimes too over protective hehe" Hishi laid her head on Y/ns shoulder and Kai who laid his head on her other shoulder chimed in "that being said your only that way because you have a huge caring heart that can never stop! And we all envy you because of that but also adore and I admire you for your bravery when protecting us even though your quirkless!" Finally the father comes in and joins by hugging everyone tightly "Y/n..." he starts "if you truly feel as though we are disappointed in you and mad then that truly saddens me because you still have no idea how much I care and I'm so proud of you for never giving up now I know it's gonna get harder and harder but your courage is stronger then everyone's here combined no matter what, I am so deeply grateful and blessed to have a child like you in my life and better yet my daughter,my princess,-" "HEY I THOUGHT I WAS THE PRINCESS!" Hishi interrupts with a pouty face and her arms crossed,father chuckles and head pats Hishi "right I'm sorry" he turns back to Y/n "my beautiful queen,..-"- this time the mother interrupts "Hey I'm the queen here remember?" The mother gives the unpleasant smile again which again father chuckles nervously and apologizes and finally gives his attention back to Y/n "Fine you are my angel, I love you so much my dearest angel" the other two hmph" in response the father chuckles again and says "while she is an angel I mean look at her" he points at Y/n only to see her gashing tears out of her violet eyes making a puddle of tears "Thank you so much!" Hishi who was gashing at the food "heh who knew Y/n can be such a cry baby?" The tears suddenly stop and Hishi can feel daggers pierce through even tho she's not looking at the person responsible for that and she knew it was Y/n but Y/n deeply sighs and begins to eat. After a nice long quiet meal in a peaceful place such as this, time has its limits and Y/n gave her goodbyes but before that the family holds eachothers hands leaving Y/n confused but before she can say anything she's back to the dark,cold,dusty place called life,there she is laying down on the ground gasping for air and her heart pounding and her eyes adjusting to the surroundings.
"Thank you so very much"
Y/n finally stands up but there's a different feeling this time, a strange feeling.

Finally that one felt long but enjoyable writing it but now I'm sweating my fingers off so yeah I'll get to the beginning of this story now. So goo PLLUUSSSS ULLTRRRAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

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