Chapter 4

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I was so certain that aunt Helen was wrong about Carter but somehow it turned out to be true.

I received a call six days prior to the party that aunt Helen was talking about. It was from a no caller ID.

I honestly don't get these kind of people who hide their caller ID as I don't know who is calling me and the other thing is I can't call them back even if I want to.

"Everleigh speaking." I said on the phone. "May I know who is calling me?"

"Carter Anderson." He said with his familiar deep voice. "Meet me at Main Street this evening at six pm."

Look at his manner. "Hi, how have you been?" I said sarcastically. "Have you heard that sentence before? How did you even get my number?"

"I sure have heard that line before." he said and his tone sounded very light. "I had to go through ways to get your number. I am curious to know why your information are so private."

"In other terms, you have been stalking me?" I asked.

"I wouldn't use the word stalking."

"It's not easy to get my number." I tell him.

"I know." he said to me. "Tell them to wait for ten more minutes." I heard him say from a distant. He might be at work.

"I must have made such a great impression that you would like to meet me again, but I'm sorry to say I'm meeting someone else this evening and it's definitely not you."

I heard him chuckled. My teenage self would have did a somersault as an achievement as I was able to get a chuckle out of this man who seem to like keeping his emotion as intact as he could.

"and I must have not made quite the impression on you." he said and continued. "on a serious note, you wouldn't want to miss the chance on the opportunity that I will be laying down for us."

I raised one of my eyebrow. "Well, then you have to ask me out nicely. I didn't hear the please and the thank you in your sentences."

The phone went quiet on the other side.

"I'm trying to help us both in this situation." he said.

Is it that difficult to say please and thank you. Jeez.

"I'm sorry if you don't have anything nice to say right now. We could always try again when you're ready." I said coolly.

"Fine." He snapped at me. "I thought this would be beneficial for you but I guess you're not interested in whatever I had to say."

"All you had to do was to say the magic words." I tell him.

"Fine. When you're ready to listen then call me back." he then hanged up on me.

I stared at my phone for a great two seconds before I shrugged. I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious about what he had to say. He needs to learn that he doesn't always gets to do things his way.

I do feel bad that he ended the call like that. He must have been very upset with me. I was debating whether to call back and apologize, but then soon realized I didn't have his number and I can't call him back or text him.

Well, then I guess he has to wait for a very long time for me to call him back.

I have dinner at my parent's place and as exciting as it sounds about visiting them. I am not looking forward to meeting any of my other relatives. I don't know why we have family gathering on a Monday evening. Someone should consider changing it to the weekend.

As I buried myself with work I may or may not have forgotten about my conversation with Carter.

My parent's place were as majestic and beautiful as I could remember. The house has always been a pride for our family as it was listed as one of the most lavish house in the city. The lights were on and the buzzing from the inside sounded like many of my distant relatives has already arrived for the dinner.

I met Ms. Eleanor, who has been my housekeeper even before I was born. The warm smile every time she gives me when she sees me is so heart-warming. I wish my parents give each other those welcoming smile.

I could see some of my nieces and nephews running around the house as they chased each other while their parents seem unbothered by that. How I miss these gatherings. Note that sarcasm.

I walk my way around the house as I greeted as many relatives I can at one time just to be polite. I saw my mother talking with her sister at one side of the room. They didn't hear me coming as I heard them gushing at each other.

"What's the excitement about?" I asked.

My mother jumped in surprise. Her pale face flushed red with embarrassment as she tried to compose herself. She was wearing a light formal dress that reaches below her knees. She paired her dress with heels while her light brunette hair was in a neat bun.

"We were just talking about you." Aunt Celine said.

"You guys were talking about me without my present? Isn't that gossiping?" I joked. I know they talk regularly about their children.

"I heard from your aunt Helen that Carter Anderson is interested in you." I could see aunt Celine's grey eyes sparkling with excitement.

"He is not." I said firmly.

"The Anderson is a very influential and powerful family." aunt Celine explained. "If you get married into the family it will be great for your family. That family is the richest in the whole North America."

"And you think I care? I should be marrying the guy for his love and not his money." I said scrunching my nose.

"It's not a bad thing to be extra wealthy." she said.

"Celine." my mother said. "Evie is right. There is nothing more important than money." my mother looked at me proudly.

Aunt Celine was not happy that my mother was siding me in this opinion. It's because we both understand what money can do in a relationship.

My mother was about to say something when aunt Celine interrupted and said in a very delightful voice, "There he is... I didn't expect him to come but I guess he didn't want to miss this opportunity to meet your family." Her eyes were focus on the entrance of the house. I turned towards the door and my heart skipped a beat as I saw who was standing near the door.

Carter Anderson, with his infamous impassive face dressed in all black. All I could think of was all the attentions and gossips I will be getting involve tonight.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book. Please vote for the chapter if you enjoyed the chapter. Happy readings!

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