Tease. Tie. Tame. Part Deux.

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Teasing the outlaw was a little too good it should have been legal.

Oh, so deliciously addictive,

time consuming,

with the potential to spiral into something really dark.

He wasn't too sure yet if he preferred innocent, terrified Holly who protectively shielded her bare breasts, with the big come eat me eyes and wet, trembling lips, who always watched his hands and flinched if he moved too fast,

or the stab me see if I give a shit bitch who'd eat his severed dick raw.

What he preferred didn't particularly matter, because his cock had never leaked so much hot pre—cum in years.

It hadn't escaped Espen that, due to the issue of it being Sunday, he really should have been in church.

Ah, sitting on those little wooden benches, howling hallelujah on some godly high, tears in his eyes at the thought pre—marital sex exists in the world.

Tales of cocaine and Abel on Wednesday, repent on the lord's day, a simple ritual to satisfy any guilt.

The pastor would ask him next week where he'd been, and after this much absence, (shudder the thought), he'd probably show up at his door soon. (Worried about funding.)

And bouncing off grapes, the whispers of his absence would reach his mother, who founded the pretty white chapels dotted all over south.

Vorden couldn't get angry about any rumours,

when people of such influence take an unplanned sabbatical to hide away in their summer home, it was expected,

but this made it nine masses in a row,

the 'flock' had started sending fudge and home made soup.

Before attending again he'd have to paint some shadows under his eyes and feign the rusty voice that came with 'a prolonged and contagious' sickness.

And pretend it was nothing to do with the sweltering mass of vaginal climaxes who'd never be satisfied with a lesser girth ever again.

But lying and sneaking and how Holly smelt like sex on fire wasn't what made him curdle,

it was just the memory that after he had once missed five weeks in a row,

Mother had showed up.


"I said, drink. Or I'll pour it down your throat." Espen ordered her.

Holly finally clutched her water bowl, brows furrowed as she downed it in one. The little spills from the corners of her lips rolling down the lush peaks of her breasts.

Tease, tie, tame,

a simple equation on paper,

to win Holly's heart,

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