The Painter

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Summary: You're a painter in Asgard and have been commissioned to do the royal paintings for the family. Prince Loki is the last member to have their painting done, granted you are able to finish it without being distracted by the God himself.


You were wringing your hands as you sat in your stool, waiting for the last member of the royal family to enter. You didn't know why all of a sudden you were more nervous than before, you had just painted the King, Queen and crown Prince. Maybe it was the nerves of this whole experience catching up with you since it was about to be over.

A few weeks ago you were commissioned to paint the royal family for their gallery, as an artist this was the highest honor you could ever have. Considering you were still so young and had only been selling your art for last several years, needless to say it was a shock when you were approached one day while selling your latest work at the marketplace and handed a letter from the palace.

You didn't feel worthy, honestly you thought the whole thing was a jest at first. If it weren't for the royal seal on the front of the letter you would have laughed and threw the paper in the trash and run off to figure out which of your friends were trying to tease you. You still aren't sure how they even knew who you were, you had never sold any artwork to anyone other than commoners like yourself.

Yet here you are, sitting in the palace on the softest stool you will probably ever set upon, waiting for the last Prince to walk through the door. The Queen went first, which much to your relief calmed your nerves extensively, she was very patient and kind and even made conversation with you through the whole setting. It was almost like painting an old friend how easy the conversation flowed with her, it was no wonder she was loved by her people.

The King went next, he did not speak much which was fine by you cause you had no idea what you would even say and you were honestly scared to slip up and say the wrong thing.

Prince Thor went after him he was just as kind as all the stories you had heard over the years. He spoke to you about your work, complimented your skills, he seemed to truly appreciate peoples gifts.

Now it was Prince Loki's turn and suddenly your palms were more sweaty than before. The Prince certainly had a reputation for his tricks and mischief, and you had heard many stories of him being a bit ruthless with those who got in his way. You weren't really sure what to expect, all the stories made him seem so different than his brother.

Your thoughts were pulled away when you heard the door open and the Prince stepped inside, hands clasped behind his back as he made his way over the chair in front of you, eyes roaming over your form. You stepped up to curtesy and he gave you a small bow, "My Prince, whenever you are ready please make yourself comfortable and we will begin." You said as you gave him a small smile and sat back in your seat.

He looked extremely regal, he was taller than you expected, you had never seen him up this close other than the few times you ever saw him during some of Odin's speeches to the common folk. His body was much leaner than his brother and fathers, cheek bones much more defined and his armor clung to him tight enough to outline the muscles in his arms. He didn't seem to have a single flaw in sight, which made you suddenly feel insecure about your own self.

He sat down and positioned himself, his eyes met yours and he gave you a small nod indicating that he was ready to begin, you picked up your brush and began working. He was silent for the first few minutes, so you attempted a bit of small talk.

"How is the day fairing you, my Prince?" you asked, not taking your eyes off the painting. He didn't answer immediately, you peeped over and he almost looked shocked you were talking to him. "I would say it's quite well now, darling." his voice was deep and sultry but with a hint of playfulness behind it. The pet name he used for you instantly made your whole body feel hot, you peeked a look at him around your canvas and saw the smirk plastered on his face, you instantly averted your eyes back to the canvas.

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