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Summary: You're a duchess who's at yet another event where you'd rather be anywhere else. Thankfully the wine is free, and after a slip up with the Prince of Asgard, you indulge a little. But now you've caught the Prince's eye, and you may have had a few too many..


You sprayed your favorite perfume on your collarbones, and fastened the back of your silver necklace, taking a last look at yourself in the mirror while adding the finishing touches to your ensemble. You truly did not care for these events, but appearances called for it and the free wine was a bonus.

Being a duchess meant your were forced to attend high society events with the other nobles, and the balls that took place at the palace in Asgard was as high society as it possibly gets. Thankfully, being a duchess and not a princess didn't draw as much attention but still required you to attend these pristine and polished evenings.

You flattened out a few wrinkles in your dress and exited your room, making your way down the golden halls and into the grand ballroom. The room was already packed with people, the whole place dressed to the nine and buzzing with chatter. A few couples have already grazed the dance floor while others huddled around exchanging pleasantries.

You went straight for the drinks, grabbing a glass of red wine. The wine in Asgard was one of your favorite things about the realm, no other wine seemed to ever compare and you always seemed to go a little overboard when given the chance.

You finished your glass quickly and started greeting people. Trying to get the hard part out of the way so you could spend the rest of your evening tucked in a corner and getting drunk. You knew most of the crowd which made things easier, you were able to make your rounds fairly quickly and sped back for the refreshments.

Unfortunately, you didn't quite make it to your destination before a tall and lithe figure appeared right in front of you and you bumped right into them. You stumbled backwards but a hand flew out and caught you before you landed promptly on your back and pulled you back up.

You steadied yourself and looked up at the person who had caused and saved your fall, you were met with green eyes and a smirk coming from none other than Prince Loki of Asgard himself. You immediately cleared your throat and bowed to him "Apologies my Prince, I should have been paying better attention to my surroundings" you knew your face was heated from embarrassment.

Loki just studied you for a moment, eyes roaming over your form before a smile formed on his face and he bowed back to you. "It is no issue, that was entirely my fault. What is your name, I've not seen you here before" he asked. You had heard rumors of the Prince of course, of mischief  and chaos, all in the form of a single man. You blinked, realizing you had got lost in your thoughts and hadn't answered him yet.

You told him your name and title and he grinned widely. "Ah, a Duchess. A pleasure to meet you darling, a shame this is our first time making acquaintances" he took your hand and kissed your knuckles, cold lips meeting warm skin, raven hair falling from his head softly grazing your hand and you blushed. A blush that caught you off guard, because this was just a formality.

You curtsied once more to him "The pleasure is all mine, if you will excuse me." your original goal back in your mind, wine, and lots of it after that incident. Loki gave you a small nod before stepping aside and allowing you to pass.

Several drinks later and the incident was no longer in your mind, you stood in the back of the crowd against a wall as you sipped your current drink. You shut your eyes and leaned your head back, the embarrassment that had clouded your mind gone and you forgot how much easier asgardian wine got you buzzed.

After reeling yourself back down, your heard someone clear their throat in front of you and your eyes instantly shot open to face the disturbance. Yet again, Prince Loki stood before you with a smirk on his face. His posture was much more lax, hair falling a little more in his face and his grin was a little sloppy, he was drunk as well and maybe it was the liquor talking but he was devilishly handsome.

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