Illicit Affairs

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Summary: You're betrothed to Thor thanks to an arranged marriage, but after moving into the palace to get to know your husband to be, you find yourself caught up in an affair with his brother...

This one shot is based on the song "Illicit Afairs" by Taylor Swift, I listened to this song while writing and there are many references in the story!


You caught Loki's gaze across the table, staring at you longingly, eyes moving from your face and then to the arm slung around your waist. You glanced into his eyes, he didn't have to say a word and you knew exactly what he was trying to say. Meet me in my chamber tonight.

These dinners were absolutely miserable, and it left a sting in Loki's heart every time he saw Thor touch you. He knew you didn't belong to him, he knew you were betrothed to his brother, but that didn't stop the possessive feelings he got when he saw the two of you together, even if it was all for formalities.

Your marriage was arranged, and you moved into the palace of Asgard to get to know your future husband before being married. The last thing you expected was getting tangled up with his brother, the God of Mischief.

It all started in the ball room, the most beautiful and grand room in the palace, it was so innocent then. A single glance that lasted too long, turned into sneaking away to meet in the gardens, under a staircase, or anywhere you had a moment alone. You kept telling yourself you could always stop this at any moment.

It's been nearly a year now, and as your feelings have grown stronger, your wedding grows nearer. You're a fool, you know it, you want to blame Loki for making you one but you only have yourself to blame truthfully. You knew from the first moment this couldn't last it, it would dwindle out, it would die.

As dinner ended and you went back to your rooms, you prepared to meet Loki in his chambers. You never put in effort like this for Thor, but Thor didn't make you feel this way, like you were in a high, on the best drug that any realm had. You picked up a bottle of your favorite perfume, but caught yourself before applying it. He can't smell like you.

As the night consumed the palace and the halls were mostly clear you slipped out of your rooms, checking to make sure no one saw you leave. You snuck your way down to the Prince's room and slipped in quietly, he was waiting for you. Before you even had the door shut fully, his hands were on you, pulling you flush against him, lips on your neck and making their way up to meet yours.

You kissed him back roughly, spilling all your emotions into the kiss, hoping he understood. The wedding was now weeks away, and as you were roaming the halls here, you had made up your mind it was time to end this. You wrapped your arms around him tightly, if this was to be the last time you wanted to make sure it was unforgettable, the memory would be all you had left after all.

Loki pulled away, you opened your eyes and his face was written with worry. "What's wrong love?" he whispers, wiping away a tear that was falling down your cheek. You didn't even know you had started crying, too caught up in trying to memorize every inch of his body. "I'm sorry, it's nothing, let's continue." You gestured for him to bring his lips back to yours.

Loki shook his head and pulled away further, now leading you to the sofa in the middle of the room. "It's not nothing, something is troubling you darling." he speaks softly, his hand on your leg rubbing small circles as comfort. You sigh and look down to the ground, not able to meet his gaze. "The wedding is close.." you cut your words short when you felt Loki's hand stiffen on your leg.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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